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Vue Components for Zeppelin Element Library (Legacy)

⚠️ This Design System is deprecated and no longer maintained. npm packges will stay available, but please make sure to opt out until 2025 ⚠️

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @zlab-de/zel-vue

yarn add @zlab-de/zel-vue

```### Components

1. Zelbutton
2. Zelcheckbox
3. ZelInput
4. Zelnotification
5. Zelnumberinput
6. Zelpagination
7. Zelradiobutton
8. zelsearchinput
9. zelselect
10. zeltab
11. zeltabs
12. zeltable
13. zelpagination

import Vue from 'vue';
import "path/to/zeppelin-element-library.css";
import {


Alternatively you can
``` html <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">download</a> ```  and reference the script and the stylesheet in your HTML:

``` html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/zeppelin-element-library.css">
<script src="path/to/dist/zel-vue.min.js"></script>

Components and Props

Each components are it's associated properties that can be added to it

Button (ZelVueButton) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
variant String primary Other options tertiary, secondary
@click Function Callback function attached to the component when the button click event is triggered.
disabled Boolean false
fullWidth Boolean false Set the button width to occupy the full width of it's parent container
icon String A string of icon name, see zeppelin element libary for more information about available icons set
size String Sets the size of component eg: small

Checkbox (ZelVueCheckbox) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
disabled Boolean false disables and/or enables a checkbox component
value Boolean false checkstate
label String label for the checkbox

Input (ZelVueInput) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
id String element ID
placeholder String placeholder text
disabled Boolean false enable or disable component
label String label text label for input component
value String value of input component
error Boolean set the error state on component
errorMessage String Required Message to display when there is an error

List (ZelVueBulletlist) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
dataSource Array An array of objects containing items to use as bullet list eg: [{id:1,text: 'bullet1'},{id:1, text:'bullet2'}]

List (ZelVueAttributeListItem) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
dataSource Array An array of objects containing items to use as bullet list eg: [{id:1,text: 'bullet1', label:'label1'},{id:1, text:'bullet2', label:'label2'}]

Notification (ZelVueNotification) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
variant String info Indicates the type of notification eg (info, warning, danger, success)
message String required Message to display on notifcation component
autoHideDuration Number 600 duration to show the notification component
onClose Function callback executed when close is clicked

NumberInput (ZelVueNumberInput) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
plustitle String The text shown on the plust icon
minustitle String The text shown on the minus icon
max Number Maximum number for the input component
min Number Minimum number for the input component
step Number 1 Increment per step
value Number 0 value of the input element

RadioButton (ZelVueRadioButton) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
name String name of radio component
classNameProp String custom class name
label String label for the radio
id String element id of radio component
value String value of radio component
required Boolean false required attribute of component
checked Boolean false check state of component
label String required label of radio compoonent

Search (ZelVueSearchInput) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
className String custom class name
label String label for the search
id String searchbar element id of search component
titlelabel String zepicons-search search input label
placeholder String search Placeholder for search
dataSource Array Array or Array of Objects
value String value of search input

Select (ZelVueSelect) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
label String required label for the select
placeholder String required Select One Placeholder for select
dataSource Array required [ ] Array or Array of Objects
value String value of select input

Table (ZelVueTable) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
className String class name for table
titleHeaderClassName String class name for table title header
subtitleHeaderClassName String class name for sub-title header
tableBodyClassName String class name for table body
tableHeaderClassName String class name for table header
title String required title for table
subtitle String sub-tile for table
tableHeaderData Array [] Array of object containing table header text/data
tableBodyData Array [] Array of object containing table body text/data
tableFooterData Array [] Array of object containing table footer text/data

Tab (ZelVueTab) Component

Expect ZelVueTabs

Prop Name Type Default Description
name String required name of tab container
selected Boolean false select state of tab item

Tabs (ZelVueTabs) Component

You are required to nest a ZelVueTabs inside a ZelVueTab

Prop Name Type Default Description
className String class name for tab container
tabsizeSmall Boolean true size of tab
id String element id
tabindex Number tabindex for each tab
tabsItems Array [] Array of object containing id and name of tab item

Tag (ZelVueTag) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
tagname String required tag name
tagtitle String zepicons-close title of tab close

Pagination (ZelVuePagination) Component

Prop Name Type Default Description
className String required class name for pagination component
visiblebuttons Number required 5 number of visible button to show at a time
perpage Number required number of items per page
currentpage Number required current page
items Array of Objects [] Array of items to paginate
onPagechanged function Callback function attached to the component when the page changed event is triggered.


If you have any questions, ideas or you want to discuss with Zel-element-library-vue community, use Issues to send any issue or note to us we will be happy to pick it up.

May work in other browsers but it's untested.

Credits and Thanks

  • Alyssa for the support and contribution towards the project




Vue Components for Zeppelin Element Library







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
