Kodi optimized infrared USB keyboard for an Asus Chromebox running openELEC.
IR device: Logitech Harmony 880 with remote profile: 'Panasonic TV TX-43CXW754' (NEC IR codes)
See development branch mce-remote for an MCE based version with IRremote.
Tested with:
- Arduino Leonardo & SparkFun Pro Micro, ATmega32u4 (5V, 16MHz)
- Arduino IDE 1.6.7
- HID Project 2.4.3
- IRLremote 1.7.4
Full Kodi control (at least what I use ;)
Power on / off with Chromebox hardware modification.
Documentation will follow, see img folder in the meantime.
Key repeat
Boot protocol mode (tested on a MacMini)
- Watch dog reset doesn't work, according to Google this is most likely an Arduino bootloader bug.
- KEY_QUOTE doesn't work with non-us keyboard layout
- CTRL+D / CTRL+W key commands for boot selection
- sleep / wakeup (IF openELEC supports it)