Node.js module that lets you define and use errors consistently across your APIs and apps. Simple. HTTP friendly.
var assert = require('assert');
var SimpleError = require('.');
var MyError = SimpleError.define('MyError');
var myError = new MyError('boom');
assert.ok(myerror instanceof MyError); // true
assert.ok(myerror instanceof Error); // true
assert.equal(myError.message, 'boom'); // true
var ApiError = SimpleError.define('ApiError', {
code: 100,
statusCode: 500,
methods: {
badCall: function () {
return 'Bad call: ' + this.message;
var err = new ApiError('NO!');
assert.equal(err.type, 'ApiError'); // true
assert.equal(, 'ApiError'); // true
assert.equal(err.code, 100); // true
assert.equal(err.statusCode, 500); // true
// {"success":false,"message":"NO!","statusCode":400,"code":101}
console.log(err.badCall()); // Bad call: NO!
assert.ok(err instanceof Error); // true
assert.ok(err instanceof ApiError); // true
var util = require('util');
// Warning! Does not work with node.js util.isError method
util.isError(err); // false
// Sub errors
var BadRequestError = ApiError.define('BadRequestError', {
code: 102,
statusCode: 400,
message: 'Bad request',
methods: {
hello: function () {
return 'well, hello!';
var bad = new BadRequestError();
assert.ok(bad instanceof Error); // true
assert.ok(bad instanceof ApiError); // true
assert.ok(bad instanceof BadRequestError); // true
bad.hello(); // well, hello!
// inherited from ApiError
bad.badCall(); // Bad call: Bad request
// Wrapping unknown exceptions
var e = new Error('oops');
var wrappedError = BadRequestError.wrap(e);
assert.ok(wrappedError instanceof ApiError); // true
assert.ok(wrappedError instanceof BadRequestError); // true
assert.equal(wrappedError.inner, e); // true
// {"success":false,"message":"oops","statusCode":400,"code":102}
// Custom error consctructor if needed
var BasicError = SimpleError.define('BasicError', {
code: 1234,
statusCode: 400,
message: 'Error with custom constructor',
ctor: function (errorCode, links) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.links = links;
var links = ['', ''];
var err = new BasicError(101, links);
There are some "sensible" defaults when it comes to defining your errors.
Meant to be used as an internal code for other apps or APIs. Default is 0
HTTP error status code. Default is 500
Message format string. Called by node's util.format for interpolation if needed. Default is Unknown
Properties to exclude when calling friendly
method. For example: exclude: ['code', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']
Properties that are always excluded are ['isError', 'type', 'name']
When set to true stacktrace is included in toJSON
call. Default is false
If supplied will be used in new error construction as a constructor. See tests.
If supplied all the methods will be copied to prototype and thus available on all instances of that error type. See tests.
Returns a frendly error object with properties excluded defined in exclude option
Takes an error and returns an new instance of error with passed in error set as
property and all other properties copied over to new instance.