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db-recovery is a tool for recovering MySQL data. It is used in scenarios where the database has no backup or binlog. It can parse data files and redo/undo logs to recover data.
Recovery from data file
Parse the contents of the recycle bin(PAGE_FREE) in the index page in the MySQL InnoDB data file, and generate the corresponding replace into statement.The index page is only the stored column data, and the corresponding column type needs to be obtained from the data dictionary to be parsed.
Recovery from redo log
Parsing the redo log is actually in order to parse the undo log in the redo, through the undo log we can get the data before modification, and then parse the data to generate the corresponding update statement.
1.clone the db-recovery repository
2.Install the Golang environment.
step1: Install go1.13 or later version.
step2: Set the environment variable
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io
3.Make the db-recovery
- cd db-recovery && make
4.Use the db-recovery help
[zbdba@zbdba db-recovery]$ ./bin/db-recovery
A simple command line client for github.com/zbdba/db-recovery.
github.com/zbdba/db-recovery [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
recovery recovery related commands
version Print version info
--LogLevel string set the log level. (default "DEBUG")
--LogPath string set the log file path. (default "/tmp")
--OpType string The OpType can be RecoveryData,RecoveryStruct,PrintData.
-h, --help help for github.com/zbdba/db-recovery
Use "github.com/zbdba/db-recovery [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You identify the command to get help
[zbdba@zbdba db-recovery]$ ./bin/db-recovery recovery --help
recovery related commands
github.com/zbdba/db-recovery recovery [command]
Available Commands:
FromDataFile recovery from data file
FromRedoFile recovery from redo file
-h, --help help for recovery
Global Flags:
--LogLevel string set the log level. (default "DEBUG")
--LogPath string set the log file path. (default "/tmp")
--OpType string The OpType can be RecoveryData,RecoveryStruct,PrintData.
Use "github.com/zbdba/db-recovery recovery [command] --help" for more information about a command.
5.Example for db-recovery
- Recovery table type_test.test5 from MySQL InnoDB data file.
[root@zbdba db-recovery]# ./bin/db-recovery recovery FromDataFile \
--DBName="type_test" \
--SysDataFile="/data/mysql3322/data/ibdata1" \
--TableDataFile="/data/mysql3322/data/type_test/test5.ibd" \
--TableName="test5" \
- Recovery table type_test.test5 from MySQL InnoDB redo file.
./bin/db-recovery recovery FromRedoFile \
--RedoFile="/data/mysql3322/data/ib_logfile0" \
--SysDataFile="/data/mysql3322/data/ibdata1" \
--DBName="type_test" \
- Support MySQL 8.0
- Support analysis of data files and redo log files
- Support recovery table structure
- Support compress or encrypt index page
db-recovery is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated.
mail:875825800 at qq.com
Thanks undrop-for-innodb and innodb_ruby for giving me some inspiration and reference.