This redux middleware enables a dispatching of async actions.
To use it in your project you have to provide it on your redux middleware stack:
import promiseMiddleware from 'redux-payload-promise';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
const store = createStore(
[ 'some provided state' ],
and define an Action with object defined with a payload key, that refer to your async Promise. For example:
export const loadDataAction = (queryParams) =>
type: LOAD_DATA,
payload: loadPromise(queryParams),
in case of a successful Response it will be dispatched with a JSON object like this:
payload:"[object Promise]"
result: // your load data query result string
in nonsuccessful case the success
will be false.
You can chain as many dispatches as you want:
.then((output) => dispatch(filterResonse(JSON.parse(output.result))))
.then(() => dispatch(sayEverythingIsFine()));