Find your favorite movies, series and look at the imDB ratings. Save movies you want to watch later in the offline Watchlist!
- Search Screen (Home Tab): Displays a list of movies and series based on search queries typed in by the user using the OMDB API. On clicking any of the movies/series in the list, the user is taken to the Movie/Series Details screen.
- Movie/Series Details Screen: Fetches details such as movie title, plot, imDB rating, director, and genre. The bookmark icon can be used as a toggle to add or remove the movie from the watchlist.
- Watchlist Screen (Watchlist Tab): Displays a list of movies and series that were saved by the user in the watchlist. On any of the movies/series in the list, the user is taken to the Movie/Series Details screen.
- MVVM: The app is built using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture. The View is separated from the Model through an intermediary layer called the ViewModel.
- Core Data: The watchlist functionality uses Core Data for persisting movies/series bookmarked by the user.
- Modularity: The UI is divided into re-usable UI components that can be imported and used in different places across the app.