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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 20, 2022. It is now read-only.


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What is it?

z-quantum-optimizers is a module with basic optimizers to be used in workflows with Orquestra – a platform for performing computations on quantum computers developed by Zapata Computing.

Currently this library includes the following optimizers:

It also supports the optimization of variational circuits.



In order to use z-quantum-optimizers in your workflow, you need to add it as an import in your Orquestra workflow:

- name: z-quantum-optimizers
  type: git
    repository: "[email protected]:zapatacomputing/z-quantum-optimizers.git"
    branch: "main"

and then add it in the imports argument of your step:

- name: my-step
      language: python3
      imports: [z-quantum-optimizers]

Once that is done you can:

  • use any z-quantum-optimizers function by specifying its name and path as follows:
- name: optimize-circuit
      language: python3
      imports: [z-quantum-optimizers]
        file: z-quantum-optimizers/steps/
        function: optimize_variational_circuit
  • use tasks which import zquantum.optimizers in the python code (see below).


Here's an example of how to use methods from z-quantum-optimizers in a python task:

from zquantum.optimizers import ScipyOptimizer
optimizer = ScipyOptimizer(method='L-BFGS-B')

or use optimizer-specs parameter to make our code work with other backends too:

from zquantum.core.utils import create_object
optimizer_specs = {{inputs.parameters.optimizer-specs}}
optimizer = create_object(optimizer_specs)

Even though it's intended to be used with Orquestra, z-quantum-optimizers can be also used as a standalone Python module. This can be done by running pip install . from the src/ directory.

Development and contribution

You can find the development guidelines in the z-quantum-core repository.

Running tests

In order to run tests please run pytest . from the main directory.

In order for the tests related to the daemon optimizer to work you need to first specify FLASK_APP environmental variable: export FLASK_APP=/path/to/z-quantum-optimizer/src/python/orquestra/optimizers/daemon-optimizer/proxy/