- Polymer-Redux https://tur-nr.github.io/polymer-redux/docs
- Redux https://redux.js.org
- Webpack https://webpack.js.org
- Polymer https://www.polymer-project.org
- ImmutableJS https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/
- Yarn https://yarnpkg.com
- Redux-Saga https://redux-saga.js.org
- Karma https://karma-runner.github.io/2.0/index.html
- Storybook https://storybook.js.org
- Eslint https://eslint.org
- Raising states
- Leveraging redux with polymer
- Mixins for sharing actions, auto starting/stopping sagas
- Immutable which causes rerenders for only things that changed
- Side effects with redux-saga
- shadow dom
- css variables
- Babel is not requried for a modern web application
Bootstrap with
yarn install
Start the project with a webserver with
yarn start
Test (headlessly) with
yarn test
Run continuous testing (with chrome) for debugging with
yarn continuous
Check test coverage with
yarn cover
Generate documenation with
yarn document
Demo with storybook with
yarn demo
Build everything (coverage, documentation, demo, project) with
yarn build
Clean the project with
yarn clean