This is a practice repository for open source beginners. You can create Issues and PRs for practice.
- This is a weather app made using Django. It displays temperature, and more information (such as humidity, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, etc) of a searched city.
- Follow this link to read on how to install Django.
- Follow this link if you are new to opensource and want to know how to create Issues and PRs.
- Follow this link to read on how to generate your api key.
git clone
Change your directory to where you cloned the repository
cd Weather_App_Django
Ensure you are in the Weather_App_Django directory, run this command to create a virtual environment:
python -m venv .\venv
Activate the virtual environment using the following command:
cd weather
python runserver
By default when you access the web app, it displays the information of a random city.
Then, when you decide to search for any city of your choice, the information is displayed to you.
This project is just for practice and is in initial stages feel free to ask any questions or add something if i missed out, by raising an issue here. If you love this project, kindly give it a star ⭐ and share it with others 🤗.
Note: This web app is not deployed yet.