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A collection of TypeScript types that have undergone type testing
Based on type-fest
Conduct secondary development and expose all types provided by type-fest
(please refer to the official documentation for the use of type test
, which is not provided here)
Programming Guide for Writing Types:
- The most important aspect of type programming is to clearly know the most basic operations, which are joint to joint, joint to cross, cross to cross, and irreversible.
- Then the rest is logical splitting, breaking it down into various types of functions, and assembling them together, and that's all.
true -> false; false -> true
type False = Negate<true>; // false
type True = Negate<false>; // true
(void extends T) and (T extends void)
(undefined extends T) and (T extends undefined)
(object extends T) and (T extends object)
filter out never
and void
Change the return value of a function that is not promise
to promise
type OriginalFn = (a: 1, b: 2) => number;
type Fn = PromiseFn<OriginalFn>; // (a: 1, b: 2) => Promise<number>
Change the return value of a function that is not promise
to promisable
type OriginalFn = (a: 1, b: 2) => number;
type Fn = PromisableFn<OriginalFn>; // (a: 1, b: 2) => Promise<number> | number
type OriginalArr = [1, ''];
type Arr = ReadonlyArray<OriginalArr>; // readonly [1, '']
filter out never
and void
type OriginalArr = [1, '', false, number, string, boolean, symbol, {}, object, Error, null, undefined, never, void];
type Arr = PureArray<OriginalArr>; // [1, "", false, number, string, boolean, symbol, {}, object, Error, null, undefined]
type ReadonlyOriginalArr = readonly [1, 2, never, void];
type ReadonlyArr = PureArray<ReadonlyOriginalArr>; // readonly [1, 2]
type Obj = {
a: 1;
b: 2;
c: 3;
type ObjIsSpreadable = Obj extends Spreadable ? true : false; // true
Get all keys of an spreadable type recursively.
type Obj = {
0: string;
a: {
b: {
c: string;
d: string;
e: string;
f: string;
[Symbol.hasInstance]: 0;
type Keys = DeepKeysOfSpreadable<Obj>; // `Keys` equivalent to 0 | 'c' | 'd' | 'f' | Symbol.hasInstance;
Merge multiple objects
type O1 = {
a: 'a';
c: 'c';
d: {
d1: 0;
e: 'e';
f: 'f1';
type O2 = {
b: 'b';
c: 'c';
d: {
d2: 1;
e: { e: 'e'; };
f: 'f2';
type Res = MergeObjects<[O1, O2, ...]>; // { a?: 'a'; b?: 'b'; c: 'c'; d: { d1?: 0; d2?: 1; }; e: 'e' | { e: 'e'; }; f: 'f1' | 'f2'; };
Merge multiple objects. like MergeObjects
type Res = MergeObjects<O1 | O2>;
Union to tuple, but You can't rely on the ordering of a union type. It's an implementation detail of the compiler; since X | Y is equivalent to Y | X, the compiler feels free to change one to the other.
type abc = 'a' | 'b' | 'c';
type t = TuplifyUnion<abc>; // ["a", "b", "c"]
verify hexadecimal color values
type Res1 = HexColor<'#fff'> // '#fff';
type Res2 = HexColor<'#ffffff'> // '#ffffff';
type Res3 = HexColor<'#xxx'> // never;
Strengthening the TS type for third-party libraries
Strengthen @mixer/postmessage-rpc
import { RPC } from "@mixer/postmessage-rpc";
import type { TypedRPC } from "@juln/type-fest";
* Only 'type' can be used, not 'interface', otherwise lax type constraints will cause problems
* type ExposeMap = {
* "exposeName1": {
* isPromise: true;
* params: any;
* data: any;
* };
* "exposeName2": {
* isPromise: true;
* params: any;
* data: any;
* };
* ...
* }
type ExposeMap = {
'load-error': {
data: Error;
'close-window': {};
'result': {
isPromise: true;
params: {
pageNum?: number;
pageSize?: number;
data: {
code: number;
list: any[];
type CallMap = {
'simpleLoad': {};
'load': {
params: {
immediately?: boolean;
data: {
success: boolean;
'close-modal': {};
const rpc: TypedRPC<ExposeMap, CallMap> = new RPC({
target: window.top!,
serviceId: "test",
rpc.call("close-modal", {}); // Restrictions on types such as 'eventName', 'params', and 'returnType'
rpc.call("unknown", {}); // 'eventName' not declared, type error reported
// 2. In non strict mode, for undeclared 'eventName', the type does not report an error, and the 'handler' is: (params: any) => Promise<any> | any)
(rpc as TypedRPC<ExposeMap, CallMap, false>).expose('unkown', a => a);
Strengthen eventemitter3
import { EventEmitter } from "eventEmitter3";
import type { TypedEventEmitter } from "@juln/type-fest";
* interface MyEventMap {
* "eventName1": {
* args: [arg1: any, arg2: any, ...];
* };
* "eventName2": {
* args: [arg1: any, arg2: any, ...];
* };
* ...
* }
interface MyEventMap {
'load-error': {
args: [Error];
'close': {
'result': {
args: [
result1: number,
result2: string,
result3: null,
const ee = new EventEmitter();