Twitter bot for Is This Band Emo?
isthisbandemobot, running on @IsThisEmoBot Twitter account, is a simple Python bot that serves the noble purpose of answering the age old question: is this band I like emo or not?
The bot doesn't really think for itself, it's just a connector of the already great website to Twitter. It gets the band name from mentions and replies them with the response from the original website.
Code not yet documented.
On Twitter, tweet at @IsThisEmoBot using the syntax is <band name> emo?
and wait for the reply
- @IsThisEmoBot is American Football emo?
- @isthisemobot is taylor swift emo???? pls answer
- is anthony fantano emo? @IsThisEmoBot?
- @IsThisEmoBot is dasuidashd emo?
The bot was created by yyyyyyyan
The bot is licensed under MIT. Check more details on this page