SiGGRAPH Asia 2016
Michaël Gharbi [email protected] Gaurav Chaurasia Sylvain Paris Frédo Durand
This code uses the following external packages:
- Caffe, tested with the master branch, commit #42cd785
- Numpy
- Scikit-Image (for image I/O)
You can install the python packages via pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use the bin/demosaick
script, for example:
python bin/demosaick --input data/test_images/000001.png --output output --model pretrained_models/bayer_noise --noise 0.02
For results on the Xtrans mosaick:
python bin/demosaick --input data/test_images/000001.png --output output --model pretrained_models/xtrans --mosaic_type xtrans
Run python bin/demosaick -h
for details on the flags you can pass to this script, e.g.
will run the GPU version of the model.
When provided with an RGB input, the program will assume it is a ground-truth demosaicked image. It will add noise if requested, mosaick-it, run our algorithm then compute PSNR.
When provided with a grayscale image, the program assumes it is a GRBG Bayer mosaic.
Use the offset-x
and offset-y
flag, if you need to shift the mosaick pattern.
python bin/demosaick --input data/test_raw_images/5d_mark_ii_iso800.tiff --output output --model pretrained_models/bayer --offset_x 1
To convert a RAW file to a grayscale Bayer image suitable as input, you can use DCRaw:
dcraw -T -d -W -6 {filename}
This input can then be fed to bin/demosaick
To produce a comparable output from DCRaw's demosaicking algorithm run:
dcraw -T -o 0 -M -W -6 {filename}
When the ground-truth is available, the program outputs a horizontal stack of images with, in order: ground-truth input, noise-corrupted input, corrupted mosaick, denoised/demosaicked result, max-scaled difference map.
If the ground-truth is not available, the program simply outputs a demosaicked image.
We provide three pre-trained Caffe models in the pretrained_models/
directory. bayer
has been trained with no noise, and bayer_noise
) with
noise variances in the range [0, 20] (out of 255). The noise agnostic model
will not attempt to perform denoising.
You can download the full training dataset here. Alternatively, run the download script provided with this code:
cd data
You will first need to generate a new network description by running
python bin/create_net --output output/new_net
The script is populated with sensible default, but check python bin/create_net -h
for details on the parameters you can alter.
Then, generate lmdb training and validation databases from the downloaded datasets:
python bin/convert_to_lmdb --input data/images/train --output data/db_train
python bin/convert_to_lmdb --input data/images/val --output data/db_val
You can now run the training code:
caffe train --solver output/new_net/solver.prototxt --log_dir output/new_net/log
Here's a full example with the dummy database files provided:
python bin/create_net --output output/dummy_net --train_db data/dummy_train_db --test_db data/dummy_val_db
caffe train --solver output/dummy_net/solver.prototxt --log_dir output/dummy_net/log
Contact Michael Gharbi [email protected]
The latest version of CAFFE might break compatibility with this code, we tested against Caffe commit #42cd785
If you run into python errors, not finding the demosaicnet packages, try: