glauth-ui-light is a small golang web app to manage users and groups from the db files of glauth ldap server for small business, self hosted, labs infrastructure or raspbery servers.
Thanks of hot-reload feature on glauth configuration file change, glauth-ui-light can edit and update glauth configuration and manage ldap users.
glauth-ui-light update only users and groups.
All lines after the first [[users]]
in glauth configuration file will be updated. The use of same model structure than glauth V2 allow to keep manual edition of non managed features as capabilities, loginShell, sshkeys, otpsecret, yubikey, includegroups, ...
. Only comments on these lines are lost.
Current glauth experimental feature on customattributes
is lost due to the need of a patched toml
- Static binary with small customisations
- Keep abbility to edit glauth configuration file
- Minimal javascript use
- Custom front page text and application name
- Add new localisations by adding new yaml file
- Authentication with current glauth users if
is set - Admin right is defined for members of group defined in
- Users in group
are common users and can change their passwords - Users in group
can define and use an One Time Password application like Google Authenticator, andOTP, ...
Current glauth experimental feature on customattributes
is lost due to the need of a patched toml library.
- only register bcrypt passwords
- daily log rotates
- i18n support
- responsive UI
- TOTP management
- Bcrypt tokens to bypass TOTP
- delayed after 4 failed login
- rate requests limiter against brute force attempts
- password strength
- standalone SSL or via reverse proxy
- high tests coverage
- windows, macos builds (not tested)
Allow users to self change their passwords can create bad concurrent updates of glauth configuration file.
Download last release from
Create config file :
# glauth-ui-light.conf
# dbfile: glauth conf file
# with watchconfig enabled for hot-reload on conf file change
# glauth-ui-light need write access
dbfile = "samples-conf/glauth-sample-simple.cfg"
# run on a non privileged port
port = ""
# When a self hosted ssl reverse proxy is used :
# port = ""
# Custom first page texts
appname = "glauth-ui-light"
appdesc = "Manage users and groups for glauth ldap server"
# Simplfy amdin ui when no need for otp
maskotp = false
# optional default unix fields
defaulthomedir = "/home"
defaultloginshell = "/bin/false"
# TODO set random secrets for CSRF token
csrfrandom = "secret1"
min = 2
max = 24
allowreadssha256 = true # to be set to false when all passwords are bcrypt
entropy = 60 # optional password constraint
start = 5000 # start with this uid number
gidadmin = 5501 # members of this group are admins
gidcanchgpass = 5500 # members of this group can change their password
giduseotp = 5501 # members of this group use OTP
start = 5500 # start with this gid number
Start :
$ ./glauth-ui -c glauth-ui-light.conf &
$ firefox http://localhost:8080/
Download last deb file from
$ sudo dpkg -i glauth-ui-light_1.2.0-0~static0_amd64.deb
$ systemctl status glauth-ui-light
● glauth-ui-light.service - Glauth web
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/glauth-ui-light.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-02-15 18:14:54 CET; 2h 20min ago
Main PID: 119451 (glauth-ui-light)
Tasks: 7 (limit: 4475)
Memory: 5.6M
CGroup: /system.slice/glauth-ui-light.service
└─119451 /usr/bin/glauth-ui-light -c /etc/glauth-ui/glauth-ui.cfg
# custom config
$ vi /etc/glauth-ui/glauth-ui.cfg
# logs
$ tail -f /var/log/glauth-ui/app.20220208
cp locales/tr.yml locales/it-IT/it.yml
Translate strings and add new local to config file
lang = "it"
path = "locales/"
langs = ["en-US","fr-FR","it-IT"]
$ git clone
$ cd glauth-ui-light
$ make
# to build binary AND debian/ubuntu package
$ make deb
# linter
$ golangci-lint run ./...
# tests
$ go test ./...
? glauth-ui-light [no test files]
ok glauth-ui-light/config 0.284s
ok glauth-ui-light/handlers 0.246s
ok glauth-ui-light/helpers 18.048s # failed login tests need 18s
ok glauth-ui-light/routes 0.019s
# test coverage
$ go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
$ go tool cover -func=coverage.out
glauth-ui-light/routes/routes.go:79: initServer 85.4%
glauth-ui-light/routes/routes.go:182: SetRoutes 93.9%
glauth-ui-light/routes/routes.go:230: contains 100.0%
glauth-ui-light/routes/routes.go:239: setCacheHeaders 100.0%
glauth-ui-light/routes/routes.go:258: Auth 100.0%
total: (statements) 95.1%
# html browser output
$ go tool cover -html=coverage.out
$ scp -pr locales admin@server:/home/app/glauth-ui-light
$ scp build/linux/glauth-ui admin@server:/home/app/glauth-ui-light
$ apt install build-essential quilt
$ git clone
$ cd glauth-ui-light
$ make deb
# view content
$ dpkg-deb -c ../glauth-ui-light_1.2.0-0~static0_amd64.deb
# install
$ sudo dpkg -i ../glauth-ui-light_1.2.0-0~static0_amd64.deb
|-glauth-config-v2.go // glauth users goups models
|-user.go // user methods
|-cookie.go // cookies for session
|-db.go // read write data
|-18n.go // i18n
|-sessions.go // manage session
|-global.go // global var, render
|- routes
|-routes.go // load template, i18n. Set routes, auth middleware
|-web // due to "embed" files
- Show SSH keys
- Fix Mask OTP
- Fix issue #4 with on password entropy. Thx to KaptinLin
- Improve UI. Thx to KaptinLin
- Add german translation. Thx to publicdesert
- Add user unix fields
- Add spanish translations. Thx to Iago Sardiña.
- Add optional password strength constraint
- Add app passwords (tokens) to bypass ldap OTP (bcrypt only)
- fix denied changes on Lock
- Add OTP management
- tweak UI
- fix keep unchanged old sha256 password
- fix UI mistakes
- initial release
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yves Agostini