Minimal copy (only copies are to/from the tokio encode/decoder buffer object) open pixel control rust library.
Example OPC server:
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr, &handle).unwrap();
// send the message from the server to another thread...
let (send, recv) = futures::sync::mpsc::channel(0);
let server = listener.incoming().for_each(|(stream, _)| {
let (_, stream) = stream.framed(opc::OPCCodec).split();
// using this and not 'handle.spawn(...);Ok(())' should guarantee one connection at at time.
send.clone().sink_map_err(|_| ()).send_all(stream.map_err(|_| ())).then(|_|Ok(()))