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Data Flow

Data Flow is a custom ETL tool uses airflow to manage data pipelines between different systems. It's currently being used between datahub and dataworkspace. It manages a certain pipeline structure until more pipelines introduced:

  • Task 1: Check if target table exists
  • Task 2: Get all paginated data from source by making hawk authenticated GET request to given source API's URL. Save each paginated response into a indexed named variable to be consumed by task 3.
  • Task 3: If target table in place (result from Task 1), create a copy table to be used to insert to target table if all tasks succeed. If not create the target table directly.
  • Task 4: Insert each paginated data into target table.
  • Task 5: If copy table created to secure the target table in case of failures, when all tasks succeed, delete from the target table and insert all from copy table to the target table.

Task 3 requires on successful run of Task 1

Task 4 requires on successful run of Task 3

Task 5 requires on successful run of Task 1, 2, 3, 4

Task 2 runs parallel with others.

Task 4 and Task 2 works collaboratively. Task 4 polls to read variable set by Task 2.

Task 4 gets defined as many as INGEST_TASK_CONCURRENCY defined. This allows us to scale multiple machines using celery.

There are currently two generic pipeline structure uses meta objects to dynamically creates DAGs.

They are placed under dataflow/meta folder. Please check regarding docstrings for more information about meta objects.

How to define dataset pipeline

Add your dataset pipeline to dataflow/meta/ (Pipeline name must contain 'DatasetPipeline' to be scheduled)

  • Example DatasetFlow
class OMISDatasetPipeline:
    # Target table name
    table_name = 'omis_dataset'
    # Source API access url
    source_url = '{}/v4/dataset/omis-dataset'.format(constants.DATAHUB_BASE_URL)
    # Target Database
    target_db = 'datasets_db'
    # Start date for this flow
    start_date =
    # End date for this flow
    end_date = datetime(2019, 12, 01)
    # Maps source API response fields with target db columns
    # (source_response_field_name, target_table_field_name, target_table_field_constraints)
    field_mapping = [
            'character varying(100) PRIMARY KEY'
            'character varying(255) NOT NULL'
            'timestamp with time zone'

How to define view pipeline

Add your view pipeline to dataflow/meta/ Pipeline name must contain 'ViewPipeline' to be scheduled

'where_clause' is jinja2 templated, you can use custom by passing params or use airflow builtin macros For more info:

class CompletedOMISOrderViewPipeline():
    view_name = 'completed_omis_orders'
    dataset_pipeline = OMISDatasetPipeline
    start_date = datetime(2017, 11, 1)
    end_date = datetime(2018, 2, 1)
    catchup = True
    fields = [
        ('company_name', 'Company Name'),
        ('dit_team', 'DIT Team'),
        ('subtotal::numeric/100', 'Subtotal'),
        ('uk_region', 'UK Region'),
        ('market', 'Market'),
        ('sector', 'Sector'),
        ('services', 'Services'),
        ('delivery_date', 'Delivery Date'),
        ('payment_received_date', 'Payment Received Date'),
        ('completion_date', 'Completion Date'),
    where_clause = """
        order_status = 'complete' AND
        date_trunc('month', completion_date)::DATE = 
	    date_trunc('month', to_date('{{ ds }}', 'YYYY-MM-DD'));
    schedule_interval = '@monthly'

Running it with Docker (Suggested way)

  • Copy sample.env to .env
  • Run docker-compose up --build
  • Data-flow will be available on http://localhost:8080

Running it locally (Automated setup script in the planning)

  • Get postgres running on your local machine
  • Create a role for your user
  • Modify user in init.sql and run it against the local postgres to initialize dbs
  • Create virtualenv
  • Install pypi dependencies
  • Update local.env for your configurations
  • Copy local.env to .env
  • run ./

Deployment to production steps:

  • Step 1: Set ENV variables (sample.env can be used as a reference, or check below)

On deployment to PaaS, this variable get dynamically generated by usign VCAP_SERVICES. It pickes up the first database defined. Please only bind one database to the app on PaaS.

  • AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND=db+postgresql://'{{ airflow_meta_db_connection_uri }}'/airflow
  • AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL=redis://'{{ redis_connection_uri }}':6379
  • AIRFLOW_CONN_DATASETS_DB = postgresql+psycopg2://'{{ datasets_db_connection_uri }}'
  • AIRFLOW_CONN_DEFAULT_S3= s3://s3_connection_uri@S3
  • AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=postgresql+psycopg2://'{{ airflow_meta_db_connection_uri }}'
  • AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER='{{ project_root_directory }}'/dataflow/dags
  • AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY='{{ fernet_key_to_secure_db_credentials }}'
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
fernet_key= Fernet.generate_key()
print(fernet_key.decode()) # your fernet_key, keep it in secured place!





  • AIRFLOW_HOME='{{ project_root_directory }}'/airflow


  • AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__AUTH_BACKEND=dataflow.airflow_login

  • AUTHBROKER_CLIENT_ID='{{ authbroker-client-id }}' # When it's created redirect url needs to point production {{ data-flow-production-url }}/oauth2callback

  • AUTHBROKER_CLIENT_SECRET='{{ authbroker-client-secret }}'

  • AUTHBROKER_URL='{{ authbroker_url }}'


  • DATAHUB_BASE_URL='{{ production-data-hub-url }}'


  • DEBUG=False

  • HAWK_ID='{{ data-flow-hawk-id }}' # Needs to be defined in env var DATA_FLOW_API_ACCESS_KEY_ID in data-hub production

  • HAWK_KEY=some-key # Needs to be defined in env var DATA_FLOW_API_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY



  • PYTHONPATH='{{ project_root_directory }}':$PYTHONPATH

  • Step 2: Project is configured for buildpack deployment on PaaS, normal process can be followed to deploy on PaaS. Use Procfile-master to deploy master node, use Procfile-worker to deploy a worker node. Env vars (AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN, AIRFLOW_CONN_DATASETS_DB, AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND, AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL) defined in workers should point to the same values master node points. (This process can be improved by using CloudFoundry v7, it's in beta phase).

  • Step 3: As described in step 1, set DATA_FLOW_API_ACCESS_KEY_ID and DATA_FLOW_API_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env vars in data-hub production

  • Step 4: Add data-flow ip into HAWK_RECEIVER_IP_WHITELIST env var in data-hub production

Useful Information

  • Airflow runs on UTC timezone by the community to prevent confusion that's why UI values are displayed in UTC timezone.

  • Possible schedule_interval values. For more info: (

           '@once' # Schedule once and only once
           '@hourly' # Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour
           '@daily' # Run once a day at midnight CRON: 0 0 * * *
           '@weekly' # Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning CRON: 0 0 * * 0
           '@monthly' # Run once a month at midnight of the first day of the month CRON: 0 0 1 * *
           '@yearly' # Run once a year at midnight of January 1 CRON: 0 0 1 1 *
  • You can find all constants under dataflow/ Please avoid directly getting env vars from os module instead define it in file.

  • FINANCIAL_YEAR_FIRST_MONTH_DAY can be set as an environment variable. Currently, it's only being used in CancelledOMISOrderViewPipeline. Year of financial year first date is dynamically calculated based on the task's execution date.

  • If fields attribute of ViewPipeline is set to True, the view will be created by using regarding dataset fields. Use this when you want to include all fields in dataset without using alias.

  • Airflow creates a dag run for each completed interval between start date and end date. And it doesn't support scheduling tasks for end of each month. It means when August 1 2019 task is triggered, execution day is August 1 but current day is September 1 2019. Mind this when you filter your views. Please refer bellow code to get last day of execution month in jinja templated fields if you ever need it.

date_trunc('month', to_date('{{ macros.datetime.strptime(ds, '%Y-%m-%d') +
	macros.dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=+1, days=-1) }}', 'YYYY-MM-DD'));
  • Data-flow saves fetched paginated results into variables which allows us to scale and prevents memory outages while moving very large data. Alternative approachs mentioned in run_fetch function's docstring in dataflow/dags/
  • Logs show up after task completed it's the expected behaviour with Airflow remote logging. (S3 is used to centralized logs)


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