NOTE: This is for AstroNvim v4+
A template for getting started with AstroNvim
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim.bak
mv ~/.cache/nvim ~/.cache/nvim.bak
Press the "Use this template" button above to create a new repository to store your user configuration.
You can also just clone this repository directly if you do not want to track your user configuration in GitHub.
git clone<your_user>/<your_repository> ~/.config/nvim
- Based on AstroNvim
- File explorer with [Neo-tree]
- Autocompletion with CMP
- Git Integration with Gitsigns
- Statusline, Winbar, and Bufferline
- Terminal
- Fuzzy finding
- Syntax highlighting with Treesitter
- Formatting and linting with None-is
- Launguage Server Protocol with Native LSP
- Debug Adapter Protocol with nvim-dap
- Copilot
- Claude Sonnet 3.5