A really incomplete and very early stage Motorola 68000 emulator (Mega Drive) in ruby. It's only capable of running a few instructions which is just sufficient for the "minimal" ROM (which does not do anything useful) at the moment.
First, use bundler to install gems:
bundle install
Run the following command in the repo directory:
bundle exec ruby src/main.rb examples/minimal.bin
Right now, it won't have a lot of output.
To see which instructions it is running, run the following:
DEBUG=1 bundle exec ruby src/main.rb examples/minimal.bin
You should get output like this:
starting rubydrive...
looking at instruction word at 8: 46fc
instruction: #<struct Instruction::MOVE_TO_SR value=9984>
looking at instruction word at c: 4e71
instruction: #<struct Instruction::NOP>
looking at instruction word at e: 4e71
instruction: #<struct Instruction::NOP>
looking at instruction word at 10: 4a79
instruction: #<struct Instruction::TST target=#<struct Target::AbsoluteLong address=0>, size=2>
looking at instruction word at 16: 4e72
instruction: #<struct Instruction::STOP value=9984>
rubydrive finished
This is a really 'minimal' ROM I have prepared. Bigger, ROMS will be added later on.
Tests can be run with:
bundle exec rake test