The StriDe Assembler integrates string and de Bruijn graph by decomposing reads within error-prone regions, while extending paire-end read into long reads for assembly through repetitive regions. The entire implementation is done by revising Simpson's SGA components for our own purpose, porting Li's ropebwt2 for FM-index construction, and adding key components of this assembler.
Download the binary file called StriDe_Linux64bit_v1.0.tar.gz (compiled on linux 64bit) and type
tar zxvf StriDe_Linux64bit_v1.0.tar.gz
To compile StriDe assembler in your specific environment, type
1. ./
2. ./configure
3. make
An executable program called stride will be found under the StriDe folder.
The program can be executed in all-in-one mode or step-by-step mode, depending on the commands specified.
All-in-one Commands (experimental):
all Perform error correction, long-read generation, overlap computation, and assembly in one run
Step-by-step Commands:
preprocess filter and quality-trim reads
index build FM-index for a set of reads
correct correct sequencing errors in reads
fmwalk merge paired reads into long reads via FM-index walk
filter remove redundant reads from a data set
overlap compute overlaps between reads
assemble generate contigs from an assembly graph
For instance, given two pair-end reads data sets in fastq format (A_R1.fq, A_R2.fq), simply type
stride all A_R1.fq A_R2.fq
The entire preprocess, index, correction, fmwalk/decomposition, ... will be performed.
For multiple PE libraries, each pair of reads of the same library should be appeneded. e.g., two PE lib of insert 200bp and 600bp with max read length 300bp.
./stride all -r 300 -i 600 insert_200_1.fastq insert_200_2.fastq insert_600_1.fastq insert_600_2.fastq
Example of a Step-by-step script
stride preprocess --discard-quality -p 1 A_R1.fq A_R2.fq -o reads.fa
stride index -a ropebwt2 -t 30 reads.fa
stride correct -a overlap -t 30 -k 31 -x 3 reads.fa -o READ.ECOLr.fasta
stride index -t 30 READ.ECOLr.fasta
stride fmwalk -m 80 -M 95 -t 30 -L 32 -I 400 -k 31 -p READ.ECOLr READ.ECOLr.fasta
cat READ.ECOLr.merge.fa READ.ECOLr.kmerized.fa >merged.fa
stride index -t 30 merged.fa
stride filter -t 30 --no-kmer-check merged.fa
stride overlap -m 30 -t 30 merged.filter.pass.fa
stride assemble -k 31 -t 3 -p READ.ECOLr -r 100 -i 200 merged.filter.pass.asqg.gz