This is an app which lets you take any picture and modify it in the style of a painting or art picture.
The app is hosted on Streamlit
If you want to use the app locally and modify it, first install Streamlit (Python library)
Then type in cmd / Terminal the below command. The app should pop in your browser on a local port and then you can modify it as you wish.
streamlit run
The app uses a pretrained Style Transfer Network implemented in Tensorflow. It picks up the model from
This is an implementation based on the following research paper. I recommend to check it out as it an easy and insightful read.
Golnaz Ghiasi, Honglak Lee, Manjunath Kudlur, Vincent Dumoulin, Jonathon Shlens. Exploring the structure of a real-time, arbitrary neural artistic stylization network. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2017.