# running preprocessing
# downstream analysis
Dependent packages can be installed by pip isntall conveniently.
git clone https://github.com/yqshao17/Parallel-Seq/
Clone the repository to your local directory in a couple of minutes. All scripts can be used directly without installation.
Paired Analysis of RNA and AccessibLe chromatin in the same singLE celL by SEQuencing.
For preprocessing raw sequencing data
cd Parallel-Seq
First, you should generate genome index with the required genome fasta and gtf files with one or more species.
# example_mkref.sh
python pipeline.py mkref \
--output_dir Data/Ref/INDEX_hg_mm \
--nthreads 16 \
--genome hg mm \
--fasta hg38.fa mm10.fa \
--genes hg38.gtf mm10.gtf
Generate bed files as ATAC bin features
bedtools makewindows -g Data/hg38.chrom.sizes -w 2000 > Data/hg38_2k_windows.bed
bedtools makewindows -g Data/mm10.chrom.sizes -w 2000 > Data/mm10_2k_windows.bed
prepare fastq files
You should convert raw data to fastq files with barcodes in the read name.
python dsc_convert.py \
-i test/parallel/raw_data/ATAC_S1_L001 \
-o test/parallel/raw_data/convert_ATAC/test
- raw_list (sep by tab or space)
# test/parallel/test_RNA_raw.list, test/parallel/test_sample_bc.list
1st column: library name (prefix of output parsed fastq file names, should be unique)
2nd column: library id (8 bytes, last byte is “.”, will be added to cell barcode as batch_id)
3rd column: R1.fq.gz
4th column: R2.fq.gz
- sample_bc_list (sep by tab or space) (optional if barcode1 represent FACS marker)
# test/parallel/test_sample_bc.list
1st column: sample name (sample name cannot be the same as any of the original library name)
2nd column: bc1(6nt)
There are different modes like pre-process (trimming adapters and parsing barcodes), repslit (split sample by barcode1), post-process (spilt RNA and ATAC, mapping, reads assigmnent and generate count matrix), etc.
Mode: one of "mkref", "resplit", "all_single", "all_batch", "all_resplit", "preproc_single", "preproc_batch", "postproc_single", "postproc_batch".
"all": runs the entire pipeline
"preproc": runs trimming adapter and parsing barcodes
"postproc": runs all steps from spilt RNA and ATAC
"single": input only one sample
"batch": input sample list
"resplit": resplit samples by bc1, input sample_bc_list
run pipeline
# example_RNA.sh
python pipeline.py all_resplit \
--raw_list test/parallel/test_RNA_raw.list \
--sample_bc_list test/parallel/test_sample_bc.list \
--output_dir test/parallel/RNA \
--genome_dir Data/Ref/INDEX_mm_hg \
--bcset Data/barcodes/bcset0_all \
--config config_10nt \
--keeptype RNA \
--nthreads 5
--logdir test/parallel/log_RNA
# example_ATAC.sh
python pipeline.py all_resplit \
--raw_list test/parallel/test_ATAC_raw.list \
--sample_bc_list test/parallel/test_sample_bc.list \
--output_dir test/parallel/ATAC \
--bcset Data/barcodes/bcset0_all \
--keeptype ATAC \
--config config_10nt \
--countby bin \
--genome_dir Data/Ref/INDEX_mm_hg \
--tssref Data/hg38_mm10_combined_epdnew.bed \
--refbed Data/hg38_mm10_2k_windows.bed \
--nthreads 5 \
--logdir test/parallel/log_ATAC
Analysis tools for identification of peak-gene associations, mutation-gene associations and eccDNAs in single cells. All scripts should run at analysis_scripts.
cd analysis_scripts
An analysis framework based on mutual information of gene expression and chromatin accessibility profiles in the same single-cell to identify peak-gene associations. It is very time and memory consuming for all genes and peaks for a large number of cells. So MPI is used for parallel running.
Input is adata which can be generated by python package Scanpy.
hg38.fa is needed for calculating GC content.
gene_info.pkl is needed for annotation, which is created when generating genome index in the first step.
bsub -q your_queue -n 10 -e err -o out mpirun -np 10 \
python mpi_mi_regulatory.py \
rna.h5ad peaks.h5ad \
regulatory/ regulatory/mi/ 500
Then separate link files are merged.
python merge_links_new.py regulatory/mi/ regulatory/gene_peak_MI_500k_merged.pkl
We identified the major alleles in normal cells as wild-type alleles and the alleles that were different from wild-type one in tumor cells as mutated allele.
bash call_mutation.sh sample1.bam,sample2.bam mutation/ proj_name query_peaks.bed mutation_group.txt
# query_peaks.bed is the region where you want to search mutations, usually the peaks called from ATAC
# mutation_group.txt has two columns with one column as cell barcodes and annother collumn as label of Normal/Tumor
eccDNAs are identified by Circle_finder.
circle_finder-pipeline-bwa-mem-samblaster.sh 16 hg38.fa R1.fastq R2.fastq 10 outname hg38
Then a custom script assigns eccDNAs to single cells.
python eccDNA_process.py infile outfile
# infile is *concordant_freq3.2SPLIT-1M.inoneline.txt generated by Circle_finder