A Minecraft Bedrock Edition Script Addon which allows execution of commands every (x) amount of seconds!
[!IMPORTANT] > In order for the mod to addon to work, you need to Enable Beta APIs in Experimental Gameplay.
[!NOTE] > There is no specific command prefix, anything that isnt a letter or number (or /), can be a prefix to use. (It has to be an alhpanumeric character)
Execute a task (command) every x
amount of seconds
Aliases: de
, startevery
, sev
!doevery (Task name) (Amount of time in seconds)
After using, you will asked to send the command to be executed, make sure the command does NOT have a / or else, the script will ignore it.
!doevery lightning 20
Send the chat command you want to execute every 20 seconds. (Without the slash (/) )
execute at @s run summon lightning_bolt ~ ~ ~
Task with the name (lightning) has been added!
When waiting for a command to execute, if you do not say anything in 20 seconds, it will stop execution.
Of course type it out correctly.
Stop task execution.
Aliases: se
, endevery
, ee
!stopevery (Task name)
!stopevery lightning
Task has successfully been cleared!
List all the Tasks
Aliases: le
, list
, l
, listtasks
, lt