This is a tool kit containing Python utils
- for driving servos,
- for controlling camera at a two-servos pan tilt by widgets in jupyter notebook and a PS4 Joystick.
from pantilt import Servo
s1 = Servo(channel=14, bus=0, max_angle=180, min_angle=0)
is number that servo has connected to PCA9685 board;
can be 0 or 1 or even 2;
is upper and lower limit we set for the servo.
will turn to a angle;
will turn servo back to the default angle, which is (max_angle+min_angle)/2 as default;
This will change the default reset angle to input number.
Leaving bracket blank as .change_reset()
will apply the current angle.
changes the servo by adding one unit of angle, which is 10 degree as default.
changes the servo by subtracting one unit of angle;
An integer in its bracket means how many unit it will act on.
will change how many degree it turn for one unit.
can read the current angle of the servo.
will turn to the minimum angle.
will turn to the maximum angle.
You can open a jupyter notebook file, servo_demo.ipynb, to have a try on this tool kit.
Its methods to control two servos at a pan tilt is similar to control a servo, here is a jupyter notebook file pan_tilt_demo.ipynb
Walkthrough is here cam_pan_tilt_demo.ipynb
- Clone the project, please rememeber to clone with parameter —recurse-submodules, because pantilt project referene another submodule bcam.
git clone --recurse-submodules
- Install pantilt
You are welcome to download the stl file I designed for this simple pan tilt of CSI camera, and 3D print it out.
You may adjust the stl model for different use.
English document is available here: GitHub - pantilt
Chinese document is available here: 中文传送门; 国内仓库:Gitee传送门
It would be appreciated if you can contribute to write this document in other languages!
This project is developed on a non-commercial basis by Open Source enthusiasts.
If you find pantilt useful, you can support the lead developer by donating a few dollars via PayPal.
With this money, we will be able to buy new hardware to test and do more such project for open source and for free education, and generally devote significantly more time to these projects.
If you find an issue, please let us know!
Sorry that I may have some typos or inaccurate expression in English, help me to correct them if you found one! Big Thanks!
Project: billiocar
Let's learn and play an robotic car with AI technology -
Project: pantilt
This is a tool kit for controlling two servos at a pan tilt in jupyter notebook. -
Project: bcam
bcam is an easy to use Python camera interface for NVIDIA Jetson and Raspberry Pi.
Billy Wang
BillioTech Team