Utility to assemble a very basic version of chromium sync server from its repository
- python > 2.7
- Protocol Buffers compiler v2.6.1
- Virtualenv (optionally)
###Step 1
pip install protobuf==2.6.1
pip install tlslite==0.4.6
You should install those particular libraries' versions because they are currently used by Chromium project After that you may run build.py with the following parameters
python build.py -p %USERPROFILE%\app\protoc\protoc.exe -t 39.0.2171.99 -o %USERPROFILE%\pyenvs\chrome-sync-server\server
python -B %USERPROFILE%\pyenvs\chrome-sync-server\server\sync_testserver.py --port 8079 --xmpp-port=8078