Crank Starter is a single page web application inspired by Kick Starter, a crowd-funding web application, built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux.
- Account creation and authentication with demo login
- Creating and deleting projects
- Adding and backing rewards in a project
- Search projects by title
- Filter project by Category
Uses BCrypt to to hash and salt users passwords and stores the digest. It enables users to maintain their session unless they explicitly logout.
One of the features of Crankstarter is to require users to be logged in order to start a project and make contributions. This feature is achieved using protected routes
const Protected = ({ component: Component, path, loggedIn }) => (
<Route path={path} render={(props) => (
loggedIn ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to="/login" />
)} />
When the Index page loads it makes an AJAX request to fetch all the projects. As the controller receives the request it builds a JSON of all the necessary attributes and associations for displaying the tile.
Starting a project asks for all required fields of the project and all rewards associated with it. It then creates both in one request
many rewards can be generated for a single project This was achieved by having a separate reward form component that appends its self to the form. the local state collects all the information and sends it all together at once.
this.state = ({
title: "",
description: "",
details: "",
website: "",
end_date: "",
category: "",
funding_goal: 0,
project_img_file: null,
project_img_url: null,
reward: [{
title: "",
description: "",
amount: 0
Contribution lists all rewards with their associated value. users can make contributions based on values of the rewards. The app performs a check to see if the amount entered by user is greater or equal to reward amount.
Explore tab is a list of all the available categories.
when a user makes a selection, a request is made to the controller. the controller then replies with projects that belong to the chosen category.
if params[:category]
@projects = Project.where(category_id: params[:category])
The search input field has an onChange listener that enables it to have a live search with each key press
The search controller sends matching result based on title
def index
@projects = Project.where('lower(title) Like ?', "%#{params[:data].downcase}%")
render "api/projects/index"
- Likes
- Credit card payments