This is a collection of some Vagrantfile's used to test the Windows baseboxes built with basebox-packer.
First install packer and vagrant on your windows host. Then create some baseboxes with packer.
Additionally install the vagrant-multiprovider-snap plugin to take snapshots with VirtualBox or VMware. Vagrant also has a snap function, but I still like this plugin a little more.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-multiprovider-snap
Another useful plugin is vagrant-reload as Windows VM's tend to need restarts during provisioning.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
Setup a new directory for a vagrant environment
mkdir test
cd test
vagrant init StefanScherer/windows_10
Edit the newly created Vagrantfile if you like.
vi Vagrantfile
Boot a Vagrant box
vagrant up
To turn on logging enter the following
set VAGRANT_LOG=info
vagrant up