Install ngrok
Create Telegram Bot and export the Bot Token and Chat ID ( Ref: Create New Telegram Bot
- Create new telegram channel and add the bot into it
Login to Datadog
Navigate to Integrations -> Integrations -> Search for Webhooks -> Configure
Navigate to bottom and insert the Name and URL of the receiver
Name = Datadog Test
URL = https://0f379388.ngrok.io
- Tick
Use Custom Payload
checkbox and fill the Custom Payload form with below payload sample
"event_title": "$EVENT_TITLE",
"alert_title": "$ALERT_TITLE",
"tags": "$TAGS",
"user": "$USER",
"priority": "$PRIORITY",
"text_only_msg": "$TEXT_ONLY_MSG",
"snapshot": "$SNAPSHOT",
"link": "$LINK",
"alert_query": "$ALERT_QUERY"
- Click
Save Configuration
Run webhook receiver ->
python scripts/datadog_webhooks/telegram_webhooks.py
Create Testing Public URL using ngrok ->
ngrok http 8090
Update datadog webhook configuration with Ngrok URL ( use https one)
Login to Datadog and configure Monitor to send alert to Webhook
Check telegram channel with bot
- Switch to python3.7 ->
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 py37 && source py37/bin/activate
- Install dependencies ->
pip3.7 install -r requirements.txt
- Create
and insert below lines for lambda deployment configuration
"production": {
"app_function": "telegram_webhooks.app",
"aws_region": "ap-southeast-1",
"profile_name": "dev@midas",
"project_name": "datadog-webhook",
"runtime": "python3.7",
"s3_bucket": "datadog-telegram-webhooks",
"environment_variables": {
- Deploy to Lambda using
zappa deploy
- Check the API Gateway URL using
zappa status
- Create conditional rule for automatic failover ( ex: ldc dynamodb)