- This is Raspberry Pi 2
- It directly loggs in data and saves it in local postgreSQL server from external current loop devices, in addition to communication via. modbus communication
- Modbus is a data communications protocol originally published by Modicon (now Schneider Electric) in 1979 for use with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Modbus has become a de facto standard communication protocol and is now a commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices.
- This raspberryPi loggs data from WattMeter which stores data in its modbus registers. Hence, this Raspi server communicates with this.
- This RaspberryPi also remotely accesses, raspberryPi 1s data and store it in local tables.
- After intelligently collecting all teh data - fron RaspberryPi 1, from external current loop devices and from modbus, it logs the data remore servers via. mqtt protocols
- This server also performs all the necessary data cleaning/crunching/parsing using Numpy/Pandas/SciKit-learn stacks.
- Data is fed to the mathmatical models, developed before hand, optimise the system in terms of Energy.
- This Raspi also performs statistical optimisation/Regression models too.
- This raspberry also makes sure the data collected is of some credibile value, it skips intelligently any data which is otherwise.
This is the block diagram of the data flow:
This is the finished product of the Raspi2
This is how physical layer looks like, lousy though:)