Welcome to the Amazon Clothing Sales Analysis Tableau Dashboard! This powerful visualization takes you on a journey through the sales data of clothing categories on Amazon in India. Explore various aspects of sales, including categories, sizes, regions, shipping service levels, and more.
Link to the Dashboard:- https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/yaswanth.mulakala/viz/AmazonIndiaClothesSalesDashboard/Dashboard1?publish=yes
- Weekly Clothing Sales Bar Chart:
- Visualize the quantity of clothes sold by week from March 2022 to June 2022.
- Sales Channel and Category Tables:
- Display the quantity of sales for each category and sales channel.
- Present percentages for Amazon.in and non-Amazon sales.
- B2B Sales Quantity Table:
- Showcase the quantity of B2B sales.
- Clothing Sales by Category Line Chart:
- Observe sales generated money for various clothing categories.
- Clothing Sales by Size Category:
- Analyze sales quantity categorized by size.
- State-wise Clothing Sales Map:
- Explore the quantity of clothing sold in each Indian state.
- Top 10 States by Quantity and Shipping Service Levels:
- Discover the top states for expedited and standard deliveries.
- Quantity by Status and Category Horizontal Chart:
- Visualize quantity by different status categories.
- Total clothes sold: 116,649 during the specified period.
- Total amount earned (INR): ₹7,85,92,678.
- Total product categories: 7,190.
- Total sizes: 11.
- Amazon.in sales accounted for 99.86%, while non-Amazon sales accounted for 0.14%.
- Maharashtra had the highest expedited (14,790) and standard (5,538) deliveries during the period.
The Amazon Clothing Sales Analysis Tableau Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of clothing sales trends on Amazon in India. Dive into data-rich visualizations that offer insights into categories, sizes, regions, and more. Whether you're an analyst or simply curious, this dashboard empowers you to understand the dynamics of clothing sales on Amazon.