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Getting Started
To start using Indexed HBase do the following:
- Set the hbase.region.impl property to IdxRegion
- Make sure that ihbase-*.jar and commons-lang version 2.4 jar are added to the hbase classpath (you’ll need to edit hbase-env.sh)
- When creating a table define which columns to index using IdxColumnDescriptor. The supported types are all the java primitive data types as well as byte[], char[] and BigDecimal
Example: Creating an HTable with an index on family:qual column
Note that this snippet below assumes that all the values assigned to family:qual are exactly 8 bytes, preferably created using Bytes.toBytes(long). The table may have rows in which family:qual is missing, those rows will not be included in the index.
byte[] tableName = Bytes.toBytes(“table”);
byte[] familyName = Bytes.toBytes(“family”);
byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes(“qual”);
IdxColumnDescriptor idxColumnDescriptor = new IdxColumnDescriptor(familyName);
IdxIndexDescriptor indexDescriptor = new IdxIndexDescriptor(qualifier, IdxQualifierType.LONG);
HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();
HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);
HTable table = new HTable(conf, htd.getName());
. . .
- When scanning make sure you instantiate an instance of IdxScan and that you set the Expression property
- When creating an IdxScan instance you must provide both an expression and filter. The filter is essential for correct scan results
- The index expression must accept any row accepted by the filter
- The filter may accept a subset of the rows accepted by the index expression (e.g. narrow down the results set)
- Setting a filter without setting an expression is supported and would revert to a ‘good old scan’
- The supported expression types are comparison, and, or. Comparisons support GT, GTE, EQ, LTE, LT
- The caller may combine any number of index expressions using any of the existing indexes. Trying to add an expression for a non-indexed column would result in a runtime error
byte[] tableName = Bytes.toBytes(“table”);
. . .
IdxScan idxScan = new IdxScan();
idxScan.setExpression(Expression.comparison(familyName, qualifier, Comparison.Operator.EQ, Bytes.toBytes(42L));
idxScan.setFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(familyName, qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp.EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes(42L)));
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(idxScan);
for (Result res : scanner) {
// Do stuff with res