History base router for Svelte SPA (Single Page Application).
The offcial routing library of Svelte is SvelteKit. This library is intented to be used for small project.
- History-base routing
- path matching and path variable capturing by regular expression
- resolver (for dynamic routing, code-splitting, data preloading, etc...)
- Hash-base routing
- Nested router
- SSR (Server Side Rendering)
$ npm install --save-dev svelte-spa-history-router
$ # or
$ yarn add svelte-spa-history-router
Import Router
and put into your main component (typically App.svelte).
For example:
# App.svelte
import { Router } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
import Home from './Home.svelte';
import Article from './Article.svelte';
import NotFound from './NotFound.svelte';
const routes = [
{ path: '/', component: Home},
{ path: '/posts/(?<postId>.*)', component: Article},
{ path: '.*', component: NotFound},
<Router {routes}/>
require aroutes
parameter. -
is a list of route objects. route object haspath
, andresolver
can be a regular expression.^
are automatically added when matching.component
is a SvelteComponent. there are no specific requirements for component.resolver
is a function to determine component dynamically (optional).
Matching is simply performed in the order defined by
Matched paramaters is passed to component as params
For example:
# Article.svelte
<script lang="ts">
let { params } = $props();
const postId = $derived(parseInt(params.postId));
{ postId }
[Additional] For svelte4, routeParams
is a store to contain matched value to current route.
# Article.svelte
import { routeParams } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
<div class="article">
postId: {$routeParams.postId}
To navigate another page, link
and push
are available.
used with aa
tag like below
import { link } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
<a use:link href="/">Home</a>
used to navigate programatically
import { push } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
<button on:click={ () => push('/') }>Go to Home</button>
Resolver is a mechanism to dynamically determine component and can be used in multiple use cases.
Example: code spliting (dynamic import)
import { Router } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
const routes = [
{ path: '/', resolver: () => import("Home.svelte") },
<Router {routes}/>
Example: dynamic routing and pass value to component props.
import { Router } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
import Article from "./Article.svelte";
import NotFound from "./NotFound.svelte";
async function prefetchArticle({ params, props }) {
const article = await getArticle(params.postId);
if (article) {
// pass value to component props
props.article = article;
return Article;
} else {
return NotFound;
const routes = [
{ path: '/posts/(?<postId>.*)', resolver: prefetchArticle },
<Router {routes}/>
Example: guard
import { Router, redirect } from 'svelte-spa-history-router';
import Admin from "./Admin.svelte";
function adminGuard(route) {
if (!isAdmin($user)) {
return redirect("/");
return Admin;
const routes = [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/admin', resolver: adminGuard },
<Router {routes}/>
(Added in v2.0.0)
store to detect URL changes (including query string or hash)
import { currentURL } from "svelte-spa-history-router";
$: name = $currentURL.searchParams.get("name") || 'unknown';
<div>{ name }</div>
(Added in 2.1.0)
- Support Svelte5
- Fix component type on svelte5 PR13
- Add the way to get routing params to via props PR12
- Refactor (changes: 2.1.2...7b7795b )
- Support types PR10
Support TypesAdd typecheck PR9
- Add
store to detect URL changes PR6
- [Added] resolver
- [Removed] guard
- Fix bug with async guard function causing loop
- Add guard
- Fix import error
MIT License.
Generally, history-base router requires server-side routing so that user can open the direct link or reload.
For example, Nginx excerpt configuration is like bellow.
location / {
try_files $uri /index.html =404;
If you consider to use firebase hosting for your application, rewrite may be useful.
svelte-spa-history-router is inspired by svelte-spa-router and Svelte Router SPA.
If you don't need both history-base and regular expression support, I reccommend these powerful routers.