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Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Flax

This implementation is based on lucidrains's denoising-diffusion-pytorch, where he implemented the original DDPM model proposed from paper Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models, as well as latest research findings

I will keep adding new research findings to this repo, let me know if you have any suggestions!

end-to-end training on colab notebook

Open In Colab

You can run this code and even modify it directly in Google Colab, no installation required:


The Colab also demonstrates how to configure your own training and load pre-trained checkpoint to generate samples on your own!

generated sample from oxford102 flower dataset

on going at 27k steps (self-conditioning + P2 weighting)

on going at 85k steps (self-conditioning + P2 weighting)

300k steps!

To-do list

  • write a wandb report about the p2-weighting, self-conditioning and predict_from_x0
  • implement gradient accumulation
  • implement ddim


Running locally

python --workdir=./fashion_mnist_cpu --mode=train --config=configs/ 

Google Cloud TPU

If you're new to Jax/Flax ecosystem, you can apply to TPU for free for your research project here (This project is enabled by TRC program. Thank you google!)

See below for commands to set up a single VM with 8 TPUs attached (--accelerator-type v3-8). For more details about how to set up and use TPUs, refer to Cloud docs for single VM setup(

First create a single TPUv3-8 VM and connect to it:


gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm create $VM_NAME \
    --zone $ZONE \
    --accelerator-type $TPU_TYPE \
    --version tpu-vm-base

gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm ssh $VM_NAME --zone $ZONE -- \

When connected install JAX:

pip install "jax[tpu]>=0.2.16" -f

Then install denoising-diffusion-flax and required libraries

git clone
cd denoising-diffusion-flax/denoising_diffusion_flax
pip install einops
pip install wandb
pip install --upgrade clu

create a tmux session

tmux new -s ddpm

And finally start the training, to train a model on fashion-mnist dataset with default setting, run

python3 --workdir=./fashion-mnist --mode=train --config=configs/ 


All examples use read-to-use tensorflow dataset, and have the training process and model checkpoint available on W&B so it is very easy to reproduce


python3 --workdir=./cifar10 --mode=train --config=configs/ 

W&B project page: ddpm-flax-cifar10


python3 --workdir=./fashion-mnist --mode=train --config=configs/ 

W&B project page: ddpm-flax-fashion-mnist


python3 --workdir=./flower102--mode=train --config=configs/ 

W&B project page: ddpm-flax-flower102

Load a model checkpoint from W&B

By default, we log our model as W&B artifact at end of the training, you can restore your checkpoint from wandb artifact directly by pass the --wandb_artifact argument on commend line; In the example below, we will load our model checkpint from the wandb artifact yiyixu/ddpm-flax-fashion-mnist/model-3j8xvqwf:v0 and continue our training from there

python --workdir=./fashion_mnist_wandb --mode=train --wandb_artifact=yiyixu/ddpm-flax-fashion-mnist/model-3j8xvqwf:v0 --config=configs/ 

Train your own model

You can customize your training either by update the config file or overriding parameters on the command line

see more details on how to configure your training from the notebook

Open In Colab

Update the config file

You can find example configuration files under configs/ folder - you can create your own configuration file and run

python3 --workdir=./your_test_folder --mode=train --config=configs/ 

Overriding parameters on the command line

Specify a hyperparameter configuration by the means of setting --config flag. Configuration flag is defined using config_flags. config_flags allows overriding configuration fields. This can be done as follows:

python --workdir=./fashion_mnist_cpu --config=configs/  \



the script can run directly on any TensorFlow dataset, just set the configuration field data.dataset to the desired dataset name. You can find a list of ready-to-use dataset [here](tensorflow dataset name

See below the list of hyperparameters for data processing; If you are using TPU with 8 devices, make sure your batch_size is dividable by 8; If you set data.image_size to a different size than your actual image, it will be resized, so make sure to set the size properly


W&B Logging

It use Weights and Bias logging by default, if you don't already have an W&B acccount, you can sign up here - you will also be given option to create an account when you run the script on comand line

To disable W&B logging, you can override with --config flag on command line

python3 --workdir=./fashion-mnist --mode=train --config=configs/ --config.wandb.log_train=False

You can find below list of hyperparameters for W&B logging in config file

  wandb.entity = None
  wandb.project = "ddpm-flax-flower102"
  wandb.job_type = "training" = None 
  wandb.log_train = True
  wandb.log_sample = True
  wandb.log_model = True

wandb.entity, wandb.project, wandb.job_type and is used to initialize the wandb run; wandb.project is required field because we will create a project with that name to send the run to; all the other fields can be left as None

read more about how to set up these values in Weights & Biase documentation about wandb.init() here

by default, we will log training metrics (wandb.log_train = True), generated samples (wandb.log_sample = True), as well as the final model checkpoint (wandb.log_model = True);

Predict x0

By default, we train our model to predict noise by modifying its parameterization, if you want to predict x_0 directly from x_t, set config.ddpm.pred_x0=True;

The authors of DDPM paper claimed that they it lead to worse sample quality in their experiments


Self-Conditioning is a useful technique for improving diffusion models. In a typical diffusion sampling process, the model iteratively predict x0 in order to gradually denoise the image, and the x0 estimated from previous step is discard in the new step; with self-conditioning, the model will also take previously generated samples as input.

You read more about the technique in the paper Analog Bits: Generating Discrete Data using Diffusion Models with Self-Conditioning

By default, we do not apply self-conditioning; If you wish to apply self-conditioning, set config.ddpm.self_condition=True;

P2 Weighting

P2 (perception prioritized) weighting optimizes the weighting scheme of the training objective function to improve sample quality. It encourages the diffusion model to focus on recovering signals from highly corrupted data, where the model learns global and perceptually rich concepts.

You can read more about P2 weighting in the paper and check out the github repo

By default, we do not apply P2 weighting. However you can apply it by change the values of p2 hyperparameters in config file, i.e. config.ddpm.p2_loss_weight_gamma and config.ddpm.p2_loss_weight_k;

the paper recomend use p2_loss_weight_gamma=1 and p2_loss_weight_k=1

Model EMA

By default, we will keep track of an exponential moving average version of the model and use it to generate samples. You can find the list of hyperparameters with default values for ema calculation in config file config.ema

  ema.beta = 0.995
  ema.update_every = 10
  ema.update_after_step = 100
  ema.inv_gamma = 1.0
  ema.power = 2 / 3
  ema.min_value = 0.0

ema.inv_gamma and ema.power is used to calculate ema_decay rate for each training step. i.e. ema_decay = (1 + steps / config.inv_gamma) ** - config.power ; ema.min_value and ema.beta determine the minimum and maximum decay rate

by default, we start to average the parameters after 100 steps (ema.update_after_step = 100) and we update the average every 10 steps (ema.update_every = 10)


Implementing the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Flax







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