Electrode Web is a full stack, end-to-end, rapid application development platform for Node.js and React.js based applications.
Originally designed for Walmart-specific use cases, we decided to open-source electrode with the hope that it will be useful to developers in the JavaScript community. This is the same version that is used to power the Walmart.com eCommerce website.
- NOTE: We maintain additional code for internal Walmart systems. If you are a Walmart developer, please check internal docs to get started.
Do you have 5 minutes? That is how long it takes to scaffold your first app. Try it now!
You will need Node.js installed on your system
- Run the following command in your console/terminal:
npm init @xarc/app my-app
- Wait a moment for the installer to complete the build.
- When complete, the console will display
Created react/node webapp in directory 'my-app'
- Follow the instructions in the console.
- When complete, open your browser to localhost:3000
- To stop the DEV server, press
Your electrode app will appear as shown below.
Do you find Electrode useful? Please send us your encouragement with a github star.
Did you find an issue? Would you like to help with the project? Please see our contributing guide for instructions on submitting a PR or reporting an issue.
Copyright (c) 2016-present, Walmart
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0