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Required Bot Configuration

Yiping Su edited this page Apr 13, 2020 · 1 revision


Necessary bot configuration variables can be found in example.config. In order for the bot to run, you must fill out the JSON parameters correctly and rename the file to .config.

.config Structure

The following snippet below shows the main configuration parameters the bot needs to run.

	"botKey": "Insert your bot key here",
	"botPrefix": "?",
	"database": {
		"host": "your_postgre_host",
		"port": 5432,
		"user": "username here",
		"password": "pass to access database",
		"name": "database name"
	"adminRole": "your bot commander role ID",
	"listingID": "your listing channelID here",
	"botChID": "your bot channelID here",
	"appID": "your application ID here"
  • botKey - Discord bot token
  • botPrefix - Prefix bot will recognize
  • database - Your PostgreSQL database connection settings
  • adminRole - ID of role from your discord server that will be able to control Isabelle
  • listingID - ID of channel where event and trade notices will be posted
  • botChID - ID of channel where bot will process commands from
  • appID - ID of channel where reputation applications will be posted in

Retrieving IDs From Discord

You can get channel IDs from discord by enabling developer mode in your discord settings. After developer mode is enabled, you can right click channels and select copy ID.

Image from Gyazo

Likewise, you can retrieve Role IDs by right clicking roles in server role settings.

Image from Gyazo