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lindannguyen edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 27 revisions

Daisy Mae Discord Bot Mini-Docs

This is where you will find guides on how to set up the bot and command usages.

[Coming Soon]

Search commands:

Commands Description
?search [bug/fish name] Looks up an item from bug and fish database. Displays sell price, location, spawn time, and months available in both northern and southern hemispheres.
?search [hemisphere bug/fish] Lists all bugs or fish available for the current month (EXAMPLE: ?search search north bug). Sorry time travelers!

Event commands:

Commands Description
?event saharah limit="#" msg="your message" Creates a visitation event for Saharah. # = Maximum number of visitors allotted by host (Max queue is set at 20). "your message" (max character 50) = Type a message! Preferably listing out names of high demand rugs/wallpapers/floors being sold. (EXAMPLE: ?event saharah limit="6" msg="white rose rug, stormy night wallpaper, castle flooring")
?event celeste limit="#" msg="your message" Creates a visitation event for Celeste. # = Maximum number of visitors allotted by host (Max queue is set at 20). "your message" (max character 50) = Type a message! Preferably mention if there's an ongoing meteor shower or not. (EXAMPLE: ?event celeste limit="2" msg="Come get your DIY! No meteor shower ='("
?event diy limit="#" msg="your message" Creates a visitation event for a villager handing out a DIY. # = Maximum number of visitors allotted by host (Max queue is set at 20). "your message" (max character 50) = Type a message! Preferably naming the DIY. (EXAMPLE: ?event diy limit="4" msg="Cheri is handing out golden armor DIY")
?event daisymae limit="#" msg="your message" Creates a visitation event for Daisy Mae. # = Maximum number of visitors allotted by host (Max queue is set at 20). "your message" (max character 50) = Type a message! Preferably list price of turnips. (EXAMPLE: ?event daisymae limit="6" msg="Turnips on sale for 91 bells!")
?event meteor limit="#" msg="your message" Creates a visitation event for an ongoing meteor shower. # = Maximum number of visitors allotted by host (Max queue is set at 20). "your message" (max character 50) = Type a message! Preferably mention how long event will last. (EXAMPLE: ?event daisymae limit="6" msg="Come wish upon a star with me! Staying open for 1 hr.")
?close event #### Removes event from listings. Only event host and server moderators can manually remove event listings. Events will automatically be deleted after 2 hours. #### = 4 digit event queue ID number. (EXAMPLE: ?close event 1234)

Queue commands:

Commands Description
?queue #### Join a queue for a visitation event. #### = 4 digit event queue ID number. (EXAMPLE: ?queue 1234)
?unregister event #### Removes you from event queue. #### = 4 digit event queue ID number. (EXAMPLE: ?unregister event 1234)
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