"斐然成章", you can also call it "Magnificently Written"
A open-source blog that simplifies the process of creating, updating, and sharing my article.
- Theme toggle for eyes
- Clerk for github login
- Creating notes with infinite levels of hierarchy
- Command search
- Trash box for soft deleting notes
- Block-Based rich text editor
Here's a brief overview of the tech stack that's used to build Magnificently Written
- React, The library for web and native user interfaces
- Nextjs, The React Framework for the Web
- Tailwindcss, A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes
- Shadcn/ui, Build your component library, you can find these component at
- Convex, Backend and database
npx convex dev
- Clerk, The most comprehensive User Management Platform
- usehooks-ts, React hook library, ready to use, written in Typescript
- Sonner, An opinionated toast component for React
- Zustand, A small, fast, and scalable bearbones state management solution
- Emoji Picker React, The most popular React Emoji Picker
- React Textarea Autosize, Textarea component for React which grows with content
- Edge Store,Implementing file uploads should be easy
- Block Note,The open source Block-Based rich text editor
- next-video,Add high-performance video to your Next.js app
There are several open-source libraries that i use.Without them, it would not have been possible to build Magnificently Written
Contributions to Magnificently Written
are welcome and highly appreciated.
You can also sponsor or donate through Github, right from the repository's home page. Thank you!!!
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 YinLei