This toolbox provides useful functions to process panorama images. Please see Quick start below for details.
If using this code as parts of your project, please cite:
Y. Zhang, S. Song, P. Tan, and J. Xiao
PanoContext: A Whole-room 3D Context Model for Panoramic Scene Understanding
Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2014)
title={Panocontext: A whole-room 3d context model for panoramic scene understanding},
author={Zhang, Yinda and Song, Shuran and Tan, Ping and Xiao, Jianxiong},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
If you have any question about the code, please feel free to contact: Yinda Zhang, yindaz at gmail.
Run demo_full.m
to see an "almost" complete list of functions in this toolbox. Some (not all) featured functions are:
- Combine perspective images to a panorama.
- Project a region on panorama to a perspective image.
- Line segment detection.
- Color segmentation.
- Find vanishing point.
- Reconstruct 3D cuboid.
For a full list of functions, please see instruction.pdf
Run demo_matterport.m
to see how to stitch panorama for Matterport3D dataset. Note that:
- If you wish to have seamless good looking color panorama, you should stitch skybox images.
- If you wish to have aligned color and depth panorama, you should stitch undistorted_color/depth_images.
If you stitch from undistorted_color/depth_images:
- The color panorama from undistorted_color_images may contain visible artifacts near stitching boundaries because of different exposure between images.
- The demo only takes the 6 horizontal views as example, and assumes 60 degrees between each pair of adjacent views. This may not be true in practice, and a perfectly accurate panorama stitching requires accurate calculation of (vx,vy) from camera extrinsic matrices.
- Given more accurate (vx/vy) calculated for upward/downward looking views, you may stitch 18 views together for a more complete panorama.
Q: Windows users will get an error when calling function "lsdWrap.m".
A: The Windows command line does not support '/'. Please change all '/' in commands line to '\' before sending them to "system" function in Matlab.
This toolbox is under the MIT License: