- PHP 8.1 or higher.
If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at getcomposer.org.
You can then install this project template using the following command:
composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev yiisoft/app <your project>
In order to launch development web server run:
composer run serve
Now you should be able to access the application through the URL printed to console.
Usually it is http://localhost:8080
The application template has the following structure:
config/ Configuration files.
docs/ Documentation.
public/ Files publically accessible from the Internet.
assets/ Published assets.
index.php Entry script.
resources/ Application resources.
assets/ Asset bundle resources.
layout/ Layout view templates.
view/ View templates.
runtime/ Files generated during runtime.
src/ Application source code.
Asset/ Asset bundle definitions.
Controller/ Web controller classes.
Command/ Console commands.
tests/ A set of Codeception tests for the application.
vendor/ Installed Composer packages.
You can find configuration in config
directory. There are multiple
configs, and the most interesting is params.php
. Below there are details about its sections:
There are multiple pre-configured application services.
'yiisoft/aliases' => [
'aliases' => [
// standard directory aliases
'@root' => dirname(__DIR__),
'@assets' => '@root/public/assets',
'@assetsUrl' => '/assets',
'@npm' => '@root/node_modules',
'@public' => '@root/public',
'@resources' => '@root/resources',
'@runtime' => '@root/runtime',
'@views' => '@root/resources/views'
See "Aliases" in the guide.
'yiisoft/cache-file' => [
'file-cache' => [
// cache directory path
'path' => '@runtime/cache'
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
'yiisoft/log-target-file' => [
'file-target' => [
// route directory file log
'file' => '@runtime/logs/app.log',
// levels logs target
'levels' => [
'file-rotator' => [
// maximum file size, in kilo-bytes. Defaults to 10240, meaning 10MB.
'maxfilesize' => 10,
// number of files used for rotation. Defaults to 5.
'maxfiles' => 5,
// the permission to be set for newly created files.
'filemode' => null,
// Whether to rotate files by copy and truncate in contrast to rotation by renaming files.
'rotatebycopy' => null
See "Logging" in the guide.
'yiisoft/session' => [
'session' => [
// options for cookies
'options' => ['cookie_secure' => 0],
// session handler
'handler' => null
'yiisoft/view' => [
// Custom parameters that are shared among view templates.
'defaultParameters' => [
'applicationParameters' => 'App\ApplicationParameters',
'assetManager' => 'Yiisoft\Assets\AssetManager',
'theme' => [
// Apply pathMap example: ['@resources/layout' => '@resources/theme'] in yiisoft/app
// Apply pathMap example: ['@resources/layout' => '@modulealiases/theme'] in module
'pathMap' => [],
'basePath' => '',
'baseUrl' => '',
'yiisoft/yii-debug' => [
// enabled/disabled debugger
'enabled' => true
'app' => [
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'language' => 'en',
'name' => 'My Project',
The template comes with ready to use Codeception configuration. In order to execute tests run:
composer run serve > ./runtime/yii.log 2>&1 &
vendor/bin/codecept run
The code is statically analyzed with Psalm. To run static analysis:
If you need help or have a question, the Yii Forum is a good place for that. You may also check out other Yii Community Resources.
The Yii Application Template is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License.
Please see LICENSE
for more information.
Maintained by Yii Software.