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Twig view renderer

This extension allows you to use Twig templates in Yii.



  • Yii 1.0 or above


Installing manually

  • Extract the release file under vendor/Twig.
  • Download and extract all Twig files from\fabpot-Twig-______\lib\Twig\ under protected/vendor/Twig.
  • Add the following to your config file 'components' section:

  'viewRenderer' => array(
      'class' => 'ext.ETwigViewRenderer',

      // All parameters below are optional, change them to your needs
      'fileExtension' => '.twig',
      'options' => array(
          'autoescape' => true,
      'extensions' => array(
      'globals' => array(
          'html' => 'CHtml'
      'functions' => array(
          'rot13' => 'str_rot13',
      'filters' => array(
          'jencode' => 'CJSON::encode',
      // Change template syntax to Smarty-like (not recommended)
      'lexerOptions' => array(
          'tag_comment'  => array('{*', '*}'),
          'tag_block'    => array('{', '}'),
          'tag_variable' => array('{$', '}')

Installing via Composer

  • Get Composer
  • Create file protected/composer.json if absent:
      "yiisoft/yii": "dev-master",
      "twig/twig": "1.*",
  • Run composer update in the protected folder of your app.
  • Add the following to your config file 'components' section:

  'viewRenderer' => array(
      'class' => 'application.vendor.yiiext.twig-renderer.ETwigViewRenderer',
      'twigPathAlias' => 'application.vendor.twig.twig.lib.Twig',

      // All parameters below are optional, change them to your needs
      'fileExtension' => '.twig',
      'options' => array(
          'autoescape' => true,
      'extensions' => array(
      'globals' => array(
          'html' => 'CHtml'
      'functions' => array(
          'rot13' => 'str_rot13',
      'filters' => array(
          'jencode' => 'CJSON::encode',
      // Change template syntax to Smarty-like (not recommended)
      'lexerOptions' => array(
          'tag_comment'  => array('{*', '*}'),
          'tag_block'    => array('{', '}'),
          'tag_variable' => array('{$', '}')


  • See Twig syntax.
  • Current controller properties are accessible via {{this.pageTitle}}.
  • Yii::app() object is accessible via {{App}}.
  • Yii's core static classes (for example, CHtml) are accessible via {{C.ClassNameWithoutFirstC.Method}} (example: {{C.Html.textField(name,'value')}})
  • To call functions or methods which return non-string result wrap these calls with 'void' function: {{void(App.clientScript.registerScriptFile(...))}}

Widgets usage example

<div id="mainmenu">
    {{ this.widget('zii.widgets.CMenu',{
            {'label':'Home', 'url':['/site/index']},
            {'label':'About', 'url':{0:'/site/page', 'view':'about'} },
            {'label':'Contact', 'url':['/site/contact']},
            {'label':'Login', 'url':['/site/login'], 'visible':App.user.isGuest},
            {'label':'Logout ('')', 'url':['/site/logout'], 'visible':not App.user.isGuest}
    }, true) }}
</div><!-- mainmenu -->