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Static file combining #517
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snoyberg committed Apr 21, 2013
1 parent 1da46a5 commit d01d6fa
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Showing 2 changed files with 199 additions and 2 deletions.
195 changes: 193 additions & 2 deletions yesod-static/Yesod/Static.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,18 @@ module Yesod.Static
, static
, staticDevel
, embed
-- * Combining CSS/JS
-- $combining
, combineStylesheets'
, combineScripts'
-- ** Settings
, CombineSettings
, csStaticDir
, csCssPostProcess
, csJsPostProcess
, csCssPreProcess
, csJsPreProcess
, csCombinedFolder
-- * Template Haskell helpers
, staticFiles
, staticFilesList
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,10 +87,19 @@ import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import System.PosixCompat.Files (getFileStatus, modificationTime)
import System.Posix.Types (EpochTime)
import Data.Conduit (($$))
import Data.Conduit.List (sourceList)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List (sourceList, consume)
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceFile)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as F
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS ((</>), (<.>), FilePath)
import Filesystem (createTree)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Data.Default
import Text.Lucius (luciusRTMinified)

import Network.Wai.Application.Static
( StaticSettings (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,3 +357,173 @@ base64 = map tr
tr '+' = '-'
tr '/' = '_'
tr c = c

-- $combining
-- A common scenario on a site is the desire to include many external CSS and
-- Javascript files on every page. Doing so via the Widget functionality in
-- Yesod will work, but would also mean that the same content will be
-- downloaded many times. A better approach would be to combine all of these
-- files together into a single static file and serve that as a static resource
-- for every page. That resource can be cached on the client, and bandwidth
-- usage reduced.
-- This could be done as a manual process, but that becomes tedious. Instead,
-- you can use some Template Haskell code which will combine these files into a
-- single static file at compile time.

data CombineType = JS | CSS

combineStatics' :: CombineType
-> CombineSettings
-> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
-> Q Exp
combineStatics' combineType CombineSettings {..} routes = do
texts <- qRunIO $ runResourceT $ mapM_ yield fps $$ awaitForever readUTFFile =$ consume
ltext <- qRunIO $ preProcess $ TL.fromChunks texts
bs <- qRunIO $ postProcess fps $ TLE.encodeUtf8 ltext
let hash' = base64md5 bs
suffix = csCombinedFolder </> F.decodeString hash' <.> extension
fp = csStaticDir </> suffix
qRunIO $ do
createTree $ fp
L.writeFile (F.encodeString fp) bs
let pieces = map T.unpack $ T.splitOn "/" $ either id id $ F.toText suffix
[|StaticRoute (map pack pieces) []|]
fps :: [F.FilePath]
fps = map toFP routes
toFP (StaticRoute pieces _) = csStaticDir </> F.concat (map F.fromText pieces)
readUTFFile fp = sourceFile (F.encodeString fp) =$= CT.decode CT.utf8
postProcess =
case combineType of
JS -> csJsPostProcess
CSS -> csCssPostProcess
preProcess =
case combineType of
JS -> csJsPreProcess
CSS -> csCssPreProcess
extension =
case combineType of
JS -> "js"
CSS -> "css"

-- | Data type for holding all settings for combining files.
-- This data type is a settings type. For more information, see:
-- <>
-- Since 1.2.0
data CombineSettings = CombineSettings
{ csStaticDir :: F.FilePath
-- ^ File path containing static files.
-- Default: static
-- Since 1.2.0
, csCssPostProcess :: [FilePath] -> L.ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
-- ^ Post processing to be performed on CSS files.
-- Default: Use Lucius to minify.
-- Since 1.2.0
, csJsPostProcess :: [FilePath] -> L.ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
-- ^ Post processing to be performed on Javascript files.
-- Default: Pass-through.
-- Since 1.2.0
, csCssPreProcess :: TL.Text -> IO TL.Text
-- ^ Pre-processing to be performed on CSS files.
-- Default: convert all occurences of /static/ to ../
-- Since 1.2.0
, csJsPreProcess :: TL.Text -> IO TL.Text
-- ^ Pre-processing to be performed on Javascript files.
-- Default: Pass-through.
-- Since 1.2.0
, csCombinedFolder :: FilePath
-- ^ Subfolder to put combined files into.
-- Default: combined
-- Since 1.2.0

instance Default CombineSettings where
def = CombineSettings
{ csStaticDir = "static"
, csCssPostProcess = \fps ->
either (error . (errorIntro fps)) (return . TLE.encodeUtf8)
. flip luciusRTMinified []
. TLE.decodeUtf8
, csJsPostProcess = const return
-- FIXME The following borders on a hack. With combining of files,
-- the final location of the CSS is no longer fixed, so relative
-- references will break. Instead, we switched to using /static/
-- absolute references. However, when served from a separate domain
-- name, this will break too. The solution is that, during
-- development, we keep /static/, and in the combining phase, we
-- replace /static with a relative reference to the parent folder.
, csCssPreProcess =
. TL.replace "'/static/" "'../"
. TL.replace "\"/static/" "\"../"
, csJsPreProcess = return
, csCombinedFolder = "combined"

errorIntro :: [FilePath] -> [Char] -> [Char]
errorIntro fps s = "Error minifying " ++ show fps ++ ": " ++ s

liftRoutes :: [Route Static] -> Q Exp
liftRoutes =
fmap ListE . mapM go
go :: Route Static -> Q Exp
go (StaticRoute x y) = [|StaticRoute $(liftTexts x) $(liftPairs y)|]

liftTexts = fmap ListE . mapM liftT
liftT t = [|pack $(TH.lift $ T.unpack t)|]

liftPairs = fmap ListE . mapM liftPair
liftPair (x, y) = [|($(liftT x), $(liftT y))|]

-- | Combine multiple CSS files together. Common usage would be:
-- >>> combineStylesheets' development def 'StaticR [style1_css, style2_css]
-- Where @development@ is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in
-- development or production mode.
-- Since 1.2.0
combineStylesheets' :: Bool -- ^ development? if so, perform no combining
-> CombineSettings
-> Name -- ^ Static route constructor name, e.g. \'StaticR
-> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
-> Q Exp
combineStylesheets' development cs con routes
| development = [| mapM_ (addStylesheet . $(return $ ConE con)) $(liftRoutes routes) |]
| otherwise = [| addStylesheet $ $(return $ ConE con) $(combineStatics' CSS cs routes) |]

-- | Combine multiple JS files together. Common usage would be:
-- >>> combineScripts' development def 'StaticR [script1_js, script2_js]
-- Where @development@ is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in
-- development or production mode.
-- Since 1.2.0
combineScripts' :: Bool -- ^ development? if so, perform no combining
-> CombineSettings
-> Name -- ^ Static route constructor name, e.g. \'StaticR
-> [Route Static] -- ^ files to combine
-> Q Exp
combineScripts' development cs con routes
| development = [| mapM_ (addScript . $(return $ ConE con)) $(liftRoutes routes) |]
| otherwise = [| addScript $ $(return $ ConE con) $(combineStatics' JS cs routes) |]
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions yesod-static/yesod-static.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ library
, crypto-conduit >= 0.4
, cryptohash >= 0.6.1
, system-filepath >= 0.4.6 && < 0.5
, system-fileio >= 0.3
, data-default
, shakespeare-css >= 1.0.3
exposed-modules: Yesod.Static
ghc-options: -Wall

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +73,9 @@ test-suite tests
, crypto-conduit
, cryptohash
, system-filepath
, system-fileio
, data-default
, shakespeare-css

ghc-options: -Wall

Expand Down

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