csp-solver is a constraint satisfaction problem solver that uses various optimization techniques.
You need to have python installed. Preferably 2.7
~$ python csp.py [FILEPATH] <[OPTIONS]>
All optimization options default to False.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --mrv Use MRV optimization
-l, --lcv Use LCV
-d, --degree Use Degree heuristics (has priority over -l)
-c, --fc Use forward checking
-a, --ac3 Use AC-3 checking
-v, --verbose Enables trace of how to solve the problem.
The FILEPATH is the location of the CSP problem file. The command line options provide the ON/OFF functionality of the various optimizations for the CSP problem. For example, to solve test_17.txt with forward checking, MRV, and degree heuristics, one may call:
~$ python csp.py test_17.txt -c -m -d