Call or text everybody fast, no configuration needed!
Tired of having to go through a lot of steps to search for a certain contact? Now you can call and text your contacts, very fast...
iniDial-Gluon is a speeddialer, based on the initials of your contacts. No configuration needed, no favorites to choose, all your contacts can be called or texted in the same fast way.
Most Important Features:
- select contacts through their first letters
- call or text them
- homescreen shows a list of people you call most while using the app
- smart keyboard, only valid next letters of your contact's initials are enabled
- multiple keyboard layouts supported
- 'automatic dialing' option = if a contact only has one number, automatically start
- displays contact images
- Use Gluon Mobile for cross-platform mobile development. The same codebase supports Android and iOS.
- Android version available @ Google Play
- Uses Gluon Glisten for UI
- Custom component for contact details overlay
- Custom component for smart keyboard
- Uses Gluon Down for native functionality
- Access contacts of the device
- Launch native calling from within the app
- Settings View
- Uses Gluon Down settings service to store values
- Cross-platform logging (to be improved)
This app is written as a test to evaluate the features and ease of writing cross-platform applications in JavaFX for mobile devices. It has been submitted for the Gluon App Contest. It is available in Google Play, but currently not in the App Store since I'm not enrolled in the Apple Developer Program.
The app was ranked third in the contest. You can find the results and and interview with all the contest winners here.
- Android
- Motorola MotoG 2015
- Google Nexus 5X
- iOS
- Simulator