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Five Server

A better live server

VERSION Visual Studio Marketplace Rating GitHub Sponsors

  • ⚡️ Updates your files instantly while typing on your keyboard
  • ⬢ Remote displays the logs of your browser/phone in your terminal
  • 💡 Highlights the code you are working on in your browser
  • 🚀 Navigates your browser automatically to the current editing file
  • 🐘 Includes PHP Support for serving and live reload all your .php files
  • 🗄️ Supports all Server Side Rendered Apps like express.js


Get Started

4 ways to start your live server.

  1. Click Go Live in the Status Bar (bottom of VSCode)
  2. Right-Click a Open File > Open with Five Server
  3. Right-Click a File in the Explorer > Open with Five Server
  4. Right-Click a Folder in the Explorer > Open with Five Server (root)
    (will set the current folder as root until you stop the server)


Quick Test

Something is not working? Try the simple setup below:

  • make sure you have uninstalled the old Live Server
  • check if you have the latest version
  • make a new folder www on the desktop
  • add the index.html (see below)
  • open the folder www with VSCode
  • click on Go Live
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Test File</title>
    <h1>It works!</h1>

The setup above works but your project not?

  • Maybe because your project is on another drive?
  • Or maybe on a USB Stick or remote folder like OneDrive or DropBox?
  • Make sure you open a folder in VSCode and NOT just a single file.
  • All these things can sometimes cause issues.

About PHP

Although Five Server can render, display and live reload PHP, it does not provide a full PHP server. If you want to develop a big PHP app, you manually have to link the client-side Five Server script with your PHP files. See five-server-with-php.


💡 Most advanced features are disabled by default.
Turn them on in the settings or by configuring a fiveserver.config.js file in the root of your workspace.


  • Instant Update & Highlight works with .html and .php files.
  • All remote logs will be visible in a new Terminal called "Five Server".
  • The features highlight, injectBody and remoteLogs are disable by default.
  • To use the highlight feature, injectBody has to be activated.
  • injectBody performs some simple HTML Validation. When using injectBody, a message will be displayed if your HTML Page is invalid.
  • To temporarily disable highlight for a single HTML Tag, add a H.
    Example: <div H>Don't highlight me</div>

Config File Example:

// fiveserver.config.js
module.exports = {
  highlight: true, // enable highlight feature
  injectBody: true, // enable instant update
  remoteLogs: true, // enable remoteLogs
  remoteLogs: "yellow", // enable remoteLogs and use the color yellow
  injectCss: false, // disable injecting css
  navigate: true, // enable auto-navigation

More Docs

Known Issues

  • Sometimes injectBody does not work well when using inline JavaScript inside <body>.
    As a workaround, execute your inline scripts after Five Server is connected:
  const main = () => {
    console.log("Some JavaScript Code...");

  // wait for five-server to connect
  const five = document.querySelector('[data-id="five-server"]');
  if (five) five.addEventListener("connected", main);
  else window.addEventListener("load", main);

Debug Mode

Need to debug something? Set debugVSCode to true.

// fiveserver.config.js
module.exports = {
  debugVSCode: true,

Release Notes

No release notes while < v1.0.0

Support Five Server

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