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A game about lambda calculus.

Status: Released

How to build

We use nightly Rust.

Steam integration

Use the "steam" feature if you want to test Steam integration. If using it, you must have the SDK downloaded and the STEAM_SDK_LOCATION env var pointing to it (on Windows, make it an absolute path) (it defaults to the sdk directory in the root).

You must also have the libraries (like steam_api.dll) on the create root.


If using steam, you need clang installed. The easiest way to install it is through chocolatey:

  • Install chocolatey from here
  • Run choco install llvm

Install OpenAL as in ears README, but use nightly-gnu rust toolchain version instead. You might need to copy several .dlls to this directory, check the errors when running and look in the msys64 directory.

To publish, I use this tool to find out which DLLs it loads, and everything that's from MSYS folder I copy next to the binary.


For the clipboard integration, you need some x11 dependencies. You might already have some or all of them, if not, on Ubuntu-like systems you can install them with:

  • sudo apt-get install libxcb1-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev For audio, you need openal and libsndfile. On Ubuntu-like, try:
  • sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev libsndfile1-dev


For ears, install:

  • brew install openal-soft libsndfile

And set PKG_CONFIG_PATH as specified in the install hints.

To publish package, you need to copy the libsndfile and libopenal dylibs, and read this tutorial to use install_name_tool to use @executable_path for the dylibs provided together with the binary.

How to run

cargo run

How to test in codespace

You can minimally test this code in a Codespace, using:

cargo test --no-default-features --features crossterm

This will disable all the unecessary stuff (for tests) that need fancy setting up.