General tooling/scripts to keep our projects and repos consistent such as setting up standard labels, issue templates, PR reviews etc..
Forked from here
We wasted a lot of time setting up labels on GitHub every time we create a new repo. We wanted a way to just automate that process, especially since we have a standard list of labels we use for all our projects.
This little Python script prompts you for a GitHub repository (and a GitHub token)
and set up the labels for this repo to match what you have in a labels.yml
file. This file includes a simple
list of label settings;
👀 get a token from and make sure its set in GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
token: 6fa8b6510.....
deleteLabels: true # removes the github repo labels if not in the list below
- yakworks/sandbox
- yakworks/idea-bank
- name: 'Status: On Deck'
color: 'fbca04'
- name: 'Status: On Hold'
color: 'c5def5'
Get in the label folder. Edit the labels.yml the way you want them.
add env var GH_WRITE_TOKEN to the token from you will be prompted for it if you don't.
Optional: Create and activate your virtualenv;
virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies;
pip or pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run it;