Docmark is a theme for the markdown flavored documentation engine MkDocs. It forks from the excellent MkDocs-Material theme and uses Google's Material Components Webas the base.
The goals with the fork of this project are 3 fold
- build on top of Material Components Web
- Extend the markdown so its easy for the author to use cards, callouts and admonitions with simple emojis as instructions
- Make it easy to embed from other webapps like Office 365, lucid charts, etc..
For install instructions see the Install & Config section.
A Material Design theme for MkDocs.
Install the latest version of Material with pip
pip install mkdocs-material
Append the following line to your project's mkdocs.yml
theme: 'docmark'
Responsive design and fluid layout for all kinds of screens and devices, designed to serve your project documentation in a user-friendly way with optimal readability.
Easily customizable primary and accent color, fonts, favicon and logo; straight forward localization through theme extension; integrated with Google Analytics, Disqus and GitHub.
Well-designed search interface accessible through hotkeys (F or S), intelligent grouping of search results, search term highlighting and lazy loading.
For detailed installation instructions and a demo, visit