This is an automation bash shell script for the creation of a WordPress instance with the Bedrock WordPress Boilerplate and Sage as its default theme.
- Unix based Operating System.
- Git.
- Composer.
- WP-CLI & WP-CLI-Dotenv.
- MySQL.
- Node.js & NPM.
- NPM Packages: Bower, Gulp, and JSON.
- Creating a Yeoman Generator to separate the possible commands to be placed into the generator and others that cannot be put into the genrator.
- Activate theme after downloaded and gulped.
- Adding a MAMP and MAMP Pro automatic virtual host creation line.
- Adding a line to add the repository to the github GUI application.
- Creating a Windows version.
- Providing the option to set defaults in the file to choose a quick creation instead of being prompted for same input everytime.
- Automatically log onto the administrator user after the script ends running.