- ATAC-seq-data-analysis-from-FASTQ-to-peaks
- Intro-to-ChIPseq-flipped
- Analytical Approaches for ATAC-seq Data Analysis
- From reads to insight: a hitchhiker’s guide to ATAC-seq data analysis
- https://nf-co.re/chipseq/2.0.0/
- ATAC-seq_QC_analysis
- 0.创建conda环境用于ATACseq分析(也可以用mamba)
- 0.利用bowtie2构建小鼠基因组(mm39)索引(构建一次以后都不用做了)
- 1.开始——激活conda环境
- 2.利用Trim adaptors去除接头
- 3.比对到mm39
- 4.生成raw bam (optional)
- 5.sam to bam 同时去除 ChrM
- 6.macs2(现已弃用)
- 7.使用macs3进行call peak
- narrowPeak和bed文件格式
- 8.macs3 peak文件转 bw(用于igv可视化)
- Remove blacklist
- fastqc质控
- louvain 聚类
# 1
conda create -n atac
conda activate atac
mamba install samtools
mamba install bowtie2
mamba install sambamba
mamba install bedtools
mamba install macs3
mamba install trim-galore
mamba install bioconda::ucsc-bedclip
mamba install bioconda::ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig
# 2
conda create -n mqc python=3.6
conda activate mqc
pip install multiqc
# 3
conda create -n idr
conda activate idr
conda install -c bioconda idr
# 4
conda activate atac
cd /home/jjyang/downloads/genome/mm39_GRCm39/ucsc_fa/
nohup bowtie2-build GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.fa /home/jjyang/downloads/genome/mm39_GRCm39/bowtie2_idx/mm39 &
conda activate atac
mkdir -p raw clean trim bam macs2 macs2/narrow macs3 macs3/narrow
ls raw/*1.fq.gz |cut -d "_" -f 1 |cut -d "/" -f 2 > filenames
vim pre_trim.sh
## trim_galore ##
cat filenames | while read i;
# paired end
nohup trim_galore -q 25 --phred33 --length 20 -e 0.1 --stringency 1 --paired ./raw/${i}*_1.fq.gz ./raw/${i}*_2.fq.gz -o ./trim &
# single end
# nohup trim_galore -q 25 --phred33 --length 20 -e 0. 1 --stringency 1 ./raw/${i}*_1.fq.gz -o ./trim &
vim atac1_bw2.sh
## Alignment to mm39 ##
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup bowtie2 -p 4 --very-sensitive -X 2000 -k 10 \
-x ${mm39} \
-1 trim/${i}*_val_1.fq.gz \
-2 trim/${i}*_val_2.fq.gz \
-S ./bam/${i}.sam 2> ./bam/${i}_map.txt &
vim atac2_sam2bamop.sh
## sam to bam (samtools) ##
## sorted by position (samtools) ##
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup samtools view -@ 4 -h ./bam/${i}.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 -O bam -o ./bam/${i}-sorted-pos.bam &&
samtools index -@ 4 ./bam/${i}-sorted-pos.bam &
# mtReads=$(samtools idxstats ./bam/${i}-sorted-pos.bam | grep 'chrM' | cut -f 3)
# totalReads=$(samtools idxstats ./bam/${i}-sorted-pos.bam | awk '{SUM += $3} END {print SUM}')
# echo '==> mtDNA Content:' $(bc <<< "scale=2;100*$mtReads/$totalReads")'%'
# samtools flagstat -@ 10 ./bam/${i}-sorted-pos.bam > ./bam/${i}-sam.stat &
vim atac2_sam2lastbam.sh
## sam to bam (samtools) ##
## remove ChrM & sorted by position (samtools) ##
## remove duplication (sambamba) ##
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup samtools view -@ 4 -h ./bam/${i}.sam | grep -v chrM | samtools sort -@ 4 -O bam -o ./bam/${i}-rmChrM-sorted-pos.bam &&
sambamba markdup -r -t 40 --overflow-list-size 600000 ./bam/${i}-rmChrM-sorted-pos.bam ./bam/${i}.last.bam &
# samtools flagstat -@ 10 ./bam/${i}-rmChrM-sorted-pos.bam > ./bam/${i}-rmChrM-sorted-pos.stat &
# samtools flagstat -@ 10 ./bam/${i}.last.bam > ./bam/${i}.last.stat &
vim atac3_macs2.sh
## peak calling (macs2) ##
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup macs2 callpeak -t ./bam/${i}.last.bam -g mm --nomodel --shift -75 --extsize 150 -n ./macs2/${i} -q 0.1 --keep-dup all &
vim atac4_macs3.sh
## peak calling (macs3) ##
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup macs3 callpeak -f BAMPE -t ./bam/${i}.last.bam -g mm -n ./macs3/${i} -B -q 0.1 &
A narrowPeak (.narrowPeak) file is used by the ENCODE project to provide called peaks of signal enrichment based on pooled, normalized (interpreted) data. The narrowPeak file is a BED6+4 format, which means the first 6 columns of a standard BED file with 4 additional fields:
- BED files require at least 3 fields indicating the genomic location of the feature, including the chromosome and the start and end coordinates. However, there are 9 additional fields that are optional, as shown in the image below.
- Each row in the narrowPeak file represents a called peak. Below is an the example of a narrowPeak file, displaying the coordinate and statistical information for a handful of called peaks.
- Build-Signal-Track
- bedGraph to bigWig
- bedGraphToBigWig: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory macs3-project/MACS#505
- chromInfo.txt https://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm39/database/chromInfo.txt.gz
首先下载两个脚本:bedGraphToBigWig 和 bedClip(已过期)
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/bedGraphToBigWig wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/bedClip赋予可执行权限(已过期)
chmod +x bedGraphToBigWig chmod +x bedClip添加到环境变量中(打开bashrc,添加到最后一行,保存,source)(已过期)
vim ~/.bashrc export PATH="$PATH:/home/jjyang/downloads/bedClip" export PATH="$PATH:/home/jjyang/downloads/bedGraphToBigWig" source ~/.bashrc
: FE means to calculate fold enrichment. Other options can be logLR for log likelihood, subtract for subtracting noise from treatment sample.-m
: FE表示计算倍增富集。其他选项可以是
subtract` 用于从处理样本中减去噪声。-p
: sets pseudocount. This number will be added to 'pileup per million reads' value. You don't need it while generating fold enrichment track because control lambda will always >0. But in order to avoid log(0) while calculating log likelihood, we'd add pseudocount. Because I set precision as 5 decimals, here I use 0.00001.-p
: 设置伪计数。这个数值将被加到“每百万读段的堆积”值上。在生成倍增富集轨迹时,您不需要它,因为对照组的 lambda 值将总是大于 0。但在计算对数似然比时,为了避免出现log(0)
Run MACS2 bdgcmp to generate fold-enrichment and logLR track (Then you will have this bedGraph file for fold-enrichment(FE) and logLR)
vim atac5_bdgcmp.sh
## peak calling (macs3) ##
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup macs3 bdgcmp -t ./macs3/${i}_treat_pileup.bdg -c ./macs3/${i}_control_lambda.bdg -o ./macs3/${i}_FE.bdg -m FE &&
macs3 bdgcmp -t ./macs3/${i}_treat_pileup.bdg -c ./macs3/${i}_control_lambda.bdg -o ./macs3/${i}_logLR.bdg -m logLR -p 0.00001 &
Fix the bedGraph and convert them to bigWig files. (And you will have these bigwig files)
vim atac6.sh
# check commands: slopBed, bedGraphToBigWig and bedClip
# which bedtools &>/dev/null || { echo "bedtools not found! Download bedTools: <http://code.google.com/p/bedtools/>"; exit 1; }
# which bedGraphToBigWig &>/dev/null || { echo "bedGraphToBigWig not found! Download: <http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/>"; exit 1; }
# which bedClip &>/dev/null || { echo "bedClip not found! Download: <http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/>"; exit 1; }
# end of checking
if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
echo "Need 2 parameters! <bedgraph> <chrom info>"
bedtools slop -i ${F} -g ${G} -b 0 | /home/jjyang/downloads/bedClip stdin ${G} ${F}.clip
LC_COLLATE=C sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ${F}.clip > ${F}.sort.clip
/home/jjyang/downloads/bedGraphToBigWig ${F}.sort.clip ${G} ${F/bdg/bw}
rm -f ${F}.clip ${F}.sort.clip
vim atac7.sh
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup bash atac6.sh ./macs3/${i}_FE.bdg /home/jjyang/downloads/genome/mm39_GRCm39/ucsc_fa/mm10.chrom.sizes &
bash atac7.sh
How were the 'blacklists compiled? These blacklists were empirically derived from large compendia of data using a combination of automated heuristics and manual curation. Blacklists were generated for various species and genome versions including human, mouse, worm and fly. The lists can be downloaded here. For human, they used 80 open chromatin tracks (DNase and FAIRE datasets) and 12 ChIP-seq input/control tracks spanning ~60 cell lines in total. These blacklists are applicable to functional genomic data based on short-read sequencing (20-100bp reads). These are not directly applicable to RNA-seq or any other transcriptome data types.
More information about the blacklist region is described in this paper. This is a more recent resource and the authors compiled blacklists that can be downloaded here. This is the source for the bed file used in this workshop.
The black lists were downloaded from https://www.encodeproject.org/annotations/ENCSR636HFF/
vim blackls_rm.sh
## remove blacklist (bedtools) ##
# 检查是否提供了足够的参数
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input_directory> <output_directory>"
exit 1
# 获取输入和输出目录路径
cat filenames | while read i;
nohup bedtools intersect \
-v \
-a "$input_file" \
-b ${Blacklist} | awk '{if($0~"chr") print}' \
> "$output_file" &
nohup fastqc -q -t 30 raw/*.fq.gz -o fqc/ &
nohup fastqc -q -t 30 trim/*.fq.gz -o trim_fqc/ &
nohup multiqc fqc/*.zip -o mqc/ &
nohup multiqc trim_fqc/*.zip -o trim_mqc/ &
conda activate atac
python ./louvain.py net_drg_select.csv net_drg_select.gexf 1 &