This is CashierFromZero. a Cashier program which is simple in GUI but powerful in terms of bussiness. Allows you to print reciepes, make orders and numbered, pick names and update prices using text file called drink, food and other The format is : "Item Description","Item Code","Item Price" You can edit them as much as you want.
<<-- USAGE -->> A username and password will appear, just close that window and the cashier GUI will appear. Now select item type (top right) and choose either food, drink, other .. Now you can search using first letter, and if not found, click the drop down and it will show potentional items that contain same order of letters. Select amount and add to the reciepe. Voila !!
<<-- IMPORTANT -->> CashierFromZero is owned by me, thus I don't allow anyone to use it in any manner or edit it, The work is compeletly mine and should be clear like that.