Github 連結:
OS: Manjaro 21.0.2 Ornara
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.10.30-1-MANJARO
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K @ 8x 4.4GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 1070
RAM: 16GB DDR3 1866MHz
使用 rand 函式生成範圍內整數並寫入檔案
產生指定數量整數,每筆數字是唯一,用來 insert 進資料結構
int genInsertDataSet(int dataSize) {
int i;
int* exist = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * MAXDATALEN); //建立重複檢查表
memset(exist, 0, MAXDATALEN); //將檢查表全部值初始化為0
FILE* fp = fopen("./insertdataset.txt", "w"); //以write模式開啟檔案,如不存在則新增
for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { //重複dataSize次
int tmp;
do {
tmp = rand() % 10000000; //僅隨機取10,000,000以內整數
while (exist[tmp]); //當數字已經出現時再執行一次,直到沒出現過
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", tmp); //寫入檔案並換行
exist[tmp] = 1; //紀錄為已出現過
free(exist); //清除空間
fclose(fp); //關檔
int genQueryDataSet(int datasize) {
int i;
int tmp;
FILE* fp = fopen("./querydataset.txt", "w"); //以write模式開啟檔案,如不存在則新增
for (i = 0; i < datasize; i++) { //重複dataSize次
tmp = rand() % MAXDATALEN; //僅隨機取10,000,000以內整數
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", tmp); //寫入檔案並換行
fclose(fp); //關檔
每個 node 儲存資料並儲存指向下一個或前一個 node 位置的指標
將目標 insert 進 Linked list 前方
struct LinkedList* ll_insert(struct LinkedList* node, int target) {
struct LinkedList* ptr;
ptr = (struct LinkedList*)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedList)); //配置空間給節點
ptr->data = target; //將資料存入節點
if (!node) { //如果傳入資料結構為NULL
ptr->next = NULL; //將新增的節點下個節點指向NULL
return ptr; //回傳新建的指標,為linked list最前方節點
ptr->next = node; //將新建的節點下個位置指向資料結構目前最前方節點
return ptr; //回傳新建的指標,為linked list最前方節點
struct LinkedList* ll_find(struct LinkedList* node, int target) {
struct LinkedList* current;
current = node; //當前節點
while (current != NULL) { //當節點存在
if (current->data == target) //當節點資料等於目標
return current; //回傳符合的節點
current = current->next; //不符合時將當前節點設為下一個節點位置
return NULL; //到linked list結束時仍未找到則回傳NULL
將目標 insert 進該 array 中
struct Arr* arr_insert(struct Arr* arr, int target) {
struct Arr* ptr;
if (!arr) { //當array不存在時
ptr = (struct Arr*)malloc(sizeof(struct Arr)); //分配空間給array
ptr->data[0] = target; //將數字放進第0個位置
ptr->tail = 1; //儲存下一筆資料該儲存的位置
return ptr; //回傳新建的array struct
arr->data[arr->tail] = target; //array存在時則在最後面新增值
arr->tail++; //把下個開始位置加一
return arr; //回傳陣列指標
用二元搜尋法在 array 中尋找值
int* arr_bs_find(struct Arr* arr, int target) {
int front, back;
int mid;
int i;
front = 0; //前方設為array開頭
back = arr->tail - 1; //將後方設為陣列最後一個有存資料的位置
mid = (front + back) / 2; //中間等於前後相加除二
while (front <= back) { //當前後位置未交換時
mid = (front + back) / 2; //取得中間值
if (target > arr->data[mid]) { //當值比中間大時
front = mid + 1; //前等於中間
else if (target < arr->data[mid]) { //當值比中間小時
back = mid - 1; //後等於中間
else if (target == arr->data[mid]) { //當值等於中間時
return &(arr->data[mid]); //表示找到並回傳
return NULL; //當前後碰撞仍未找到則回傳NULL
int* arr_traverse_find(struct Arr* arr, int target) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arr->tail; i++) { //從頭到array結尾訪問
if (arr->data[i] == target) { //當找到時
return &arr->data[i]; //回傳
return NULL; //當尋訪完仍未找到,回傳NULL
將目標 insert 進該資料結構中
struct Bst* bst_insert(struct Bst* node, int target) {
struct Bst* ptr;
if (!node) { //當bst不存在
ptr = (struct Bst*)malloc(sizeof(struct Bst)); //分配新空間
ptr->data = target; //將值儲存進節點
ptr->lchild = NULL; //左child等於NULL
ptr->rchild = NULL; //右chile等於NULL
return ptr; //回傳建立的bst
if (target < node->data) //當值小於當前node值
node->lchild = bst_insert(node->lchild, target); //遞迴重複執行
else if (target > node->data) //當值大於當前node值
node->rchild = bst_insert(node->rchild, target); //遞迴重複執行
return node; //回傳root
struct Bst* bst_find(struct Bst* node, int target) {
if (!node) { //當遞迴到樹末端
return NULL; //回傳NULL
if (target < node->data) //當值小於當前node值
return bst_find(node->lchild, target); //遞迴重複執行
else if (target > node->data) //當值大於當前node值
return bst_find(node->rchild, target); //遞迴重複執行
else {
return node; //回傳找到的node
以原始數字透過 hash function 產生一組新數
int hash65(int num) {
long long sum;
int i;
char word[8];
sprintf(word, "%d", num); //將整數轉為字串
int len = strlen(word); //取得位數
sum = 0; //初始總和為0
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
sum = word[i] + sum * 65; //sum為第n位字符編碼*65^n-1相加
return (int)(sum % 10000000); 回傳保證範圍為10,000,000以內
將目標 insert 進該資料結構中
struct hash_node** hash_insert(struct hash_node** hashTable, int target) {
int hv;
hv = hash65(target); //將值轉為hash後value
if (!hashTable) { //當hash table不存在
hashTable = malloc(sizeof(struct hash_node) * MAXHASH); //配置記憶體空間
memset(hashTable, 0, MAXHASH); //初始匯為0
hashTable[hv] = hash_ll_insert(hashTable[hv], target); //在hash table該value所在位置加入值
return hashTable; //回傳hash table位置
當遇到 hash value 衝突,使用 linked list insert at front
struct hash_node* hash_ll_insert(struct hash_node* node, int target) {
struct hash_node* ptr = (struct hash_node*)malloc(sizeof(struct hash_node)); //建立新node
ptr->key = target; //在node儲存值
if (!node) { //當hash table該位置為空
ptr->next = NULL; //node下個位置設為NULL
ptr->cnt = 1; //為第一個值
else { //當hash table有重複
ptr->next = node; //將新node新增在已存在node前
ptr->cnt = node->cnt + 1; //重複值數量加一
return ptr; //回傳該node
struct hash_node* hash_find(struct hash_node** hashTable, int target) {
int hv = hash65(target); //將值轉為hash後value
struct hash_node* current = hashTable[hv]; //儲存當前node
current = hashTable[hv]; //當前node為hash table該hv位置
while (current != NULL) { //traverse直到結尾
if (current->key == target) //當找到時
return current; //回傳節點
current = current->next; //未找到則繼續尋找
return NULL; //仍未找到回傳NULL
building time: 32.90 ms
query time: 3.56 ms
building time: 0.56 ms
query time: 1.54 ms
building time: 0.51 ms
query time: 1432.03 ms
building time: 2.47 ms
query time: 2622.17 ms
building time: 53.86 ms
query time: 1.64 ms
building time: 30.80 ms
query time: 3.52 ms
building time: 0.68 ms
query time: 1.70 ms
building time: 0.52 ms
query time: 1422.75 ms
building time: 2.49 ms
query time: 2549.99 ms
building time: 53.55 ms
query time: 1.52 ms
building time: 31.70 ms
query time: 2.99 ms
building time: 0.57 ms
query time: 1.81 ms
building time: 0.59 ms
query time: 1409.55 ms
building time: 2.31 ms
query time: 2596.34 ms
building time: 53.41 ms
query time: 1.57 ms
Hash > Binary Search Tree > Linked List > Array with binary search = Array with traversal search
Linked List > Array with traversal search > Array with binary search > Binary Search Tree > Hash
Array with traversal search = Array with binary search > Linked List > Binary Search Tree > Hash
Hash > Binary Search Tree > Array with binary search > Array with traversal search > Linked List
結構建立上 hash 花費時間較多其次為 Binary Search Tree,其餘 linked list 與 array 時間相近。
查詢上 Hash 最快其次有運用到 Binary search 的查詢速度較快,最慢為依序尋訪。