This is the code repository to support the paper _Human-Inspired Multi-Agent Navigation using Knowledge Distillation. [arXiv][Youtube]
This paper has been accepted by 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
Abstract -- Despite significant advancements in the field of multi-agent navigation, agents still lack the sophistication and intelligence that humans exhibit in multi-agent settings. In this paper, we propose a framework for learning a human-like general collision avoidance policy for agent-agent interactions in fully decentralized, multi-agent environments. Our approach uses knowledge distillation with reinforcement learning to shape the reward function based on expert policies extracted from human trajectory demonstrations through behavior cloning. We show that agents trained with our approach can take human-like trajectories in collision avoidance and goal-directed steering tasks not provided by the demonstrations, outperforming the experts as well as learning-based agents trained without knowledge distillation.
Comparisons of human trajectories collected by motion capture (Reference), our approach (Ours) and typical reinforcement learning without knowledge distillation (RL w/o KD) and Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA):
Reference | Ours | RL w/o KD | ORCA |
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundationunder Grant No. IIS-2047632 and by an Amazon Research Award.
- Pytorch 1.8
- Numba 0.52
- Matplotlib 3.3.4
We recommend to install all the requirements through Conda by
$ conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt -c pytorch -c conda-forge
We provide the pre-trained action policy in the folder pretrain
. To visualize the action policy, please run
$ python --ckpt pretrain/policy/ckpt --scene <scene>
The supported scenarios for scene
option include: 20-circle
, 24-circle
, 20-corridor
, 24-corridor
, 20-square
and 24-square
Our training has two stages: (1) train the expert policy by behavior cloning through supervised learning; and (2) train the general action policy using reinforcement learning and knowledge distillation from the expert policy.
$ python --device cuda:0 --log_dir <expert_log_dir>
We, by default, use DPPO with 8 workers. To run workers on different machines, use the option of --master_addr
and --master_port
. Thread with rank 0 is the chief (master) worker.
$ python --rank 0 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 1 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 2 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 3 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 4 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 5 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 6 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
$ python --rank 7 --workers 8 --device cuda:0 --expert <expert_log_dir> --log_dir <policy_log_dir> &
author={Xu, Pei and Karamouzas, Ioannis},
booktitle={2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
title={Human-Inspired Multi-Agent Navigation using Knowledge Distillation},